
What happens when you overdose?

by  |  earlier

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and please dont go lecturing me on being sucidal cuz idc




  1. Usually there is terrible,terrible pain, for about a year, then you die.

    Might help if you told us what you were planning to overdose with.

    I assume idc means " I don't care"? Then why ask?

  2. it depends on what you overdoes on some things you overdoes on hurt like h**l and take you a long long time to die i had a cousin who took a bottle of Tylenol well the pain was more than he could bare so he got his stomach pumped sent to a nut house they always send you there if you don't die but some times you overdoes and it cripples you up for life i had another friend who accidentally overdosed on methadone he mixed it with Valium well it paralyzed his left side put him in comma for a while but the worst out come his death

  3. well-- as other say it depends... Usually one of the following 2 examples

    _non-receptor overdose eg. ALCOHOL

    alcohol can freely diffuse through your cell's plasma membrane (plasma-lemma) : so as you drink it goes into your cells without the aid of a receptor: obviously the alcohol (or other drug isn't meant to be there in the cell and disrupts the proper PH and equilibruim of your cells.

    Receptor Mediated

    This is about how half of all drugs work: on the surface of your cells are transmembrane proteins-  many of wich bind to specific substances (ligand) eg. some Hormones or neurotransmitters-This binding of ligand to receptor causes a secondary response (like a chain reaction inside the cell) the responce is specific to the receptor (or combinations of receptors) activated at a given time.------- So some drugs CHEMICAL STRUCTURE MIMIC (closely resemble) the LIGAND and can cause a receptor mediated response...

    so when you take too much of this type of drug ... obviously it causes an overactive intracellular response-which can have great effect on the many other cells in your body ...

    eg. Meth mimics the Ligand DOPAMINE:

  4. Depends on what agent you overdose on.  Please disambiguate.

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