
What happens when you pay for a belt test?

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do automatically get or if you fail you wasted your does it work




  1. It all depends on the school quite honestly. At our school you are tested well before you actually get to your testing. Your testing is more of a learning experience, however the student doesn't know that. This allows us to see how well they will perform under pressure.

    At our school when you test you have already passed, you just don't know it yet. Other schools will be different.

  2. thats dumb you shouldnt have to pay

  3. In a belt factory, they tell you to flail about and do techniques. Then they say you were excellent even though you may suck. The true test of how good your belt is, is how you fare in a real fight. No body's there to correct your technique and typically you'll go off adrenaline and instinct, so you'd better be sure that you've practiced at least an hour a day, and sometimes that's not even good enough. I've seen second degree black belts taken out in a bar fight when the odds were in their favor and they just got too cocky and I've seen white belts execute better strikes than a lot of black belts. If you try and fail though, consider yourself lucky because chances are you're not at a belt factory.

  4. You wallet gets lighter.  Now you can move with ease !

  5. In my daughter's school, they ONLY invite you to test if your'e ready for it, otherwise you get evaluated for free.  So in her school, if they are invited to test and pay for the belt, they're ready for it and DO get the belt.  However, I'd advise to ask other students/parents of students, or better yet, the instructor themself what their policy is.  That's how I found out the policy at my daughter's school.  GOOD LUCK!

  6. You have paid your money for an outside examiner to come along an test you. Just because you have paid in full does not mean that you have passed!!

    you will have to impress the examiner by showing good technique and showing that you have a good heart and will.

  7. In my school, there are no tests. You ability is measured simply how well you fight, how well you've taken the techniques and molded them to yourself.

  8. That varies for school to school. Some schools test based upon the time you have been enrolled. Generally speaking if you fail the test you still are responsible for paying for the test. You then can retest at a later date for more money. Some schools it is at a reduced rate and others it may cost the same.

    On the other hand you have schools that will only test you if they believe that you are ready. The only fee involved is far the belt and certificate.

    Then there are schools that don't have a fee for testing.

    The school where I train we don't normally have a fee. Or at least I have never paid a fee. But our head instructor has giver a fee to some students. This has only happened when he didn't feel the student was ready for the next rank. He would try to talk them out of it, but they would insist. When this happens he doesn't test them himself. He brings in Black Belts from other schools to test. If the fail the have to pay. That money goes to the visiting instructors. I didn't like that too much. I was the Uke. I took a beating and the guy didn't even pass. I tried to help him but he wasn't ready. I got tire of hit the ground. and taking punches. They wanted him to take me down for real. We don't have mats. That was no fun. I would have enjoyed it more if he passed. He took it about 3 times before he passed.  

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