
What happens when you pick a best answer and two days later you get a violation notice?

by Guest61966  |  earlier

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I asked for a recipe for squirrel. Had some good and funny answers I wanted to save. Picked a best answer now I have a violation notice for the? Does the person I picked still get his/her 10 points? Now does that work?




  1. Maybe everyone should get together and complain to YA.  If enough people complain, they may do something about it.  I have noticed it has gotten much nastier in recent weeks.

  2. Yeah, I'd like to know that also.  The same happened to me.  But why did it take so long to declare the question in violation?  Could it be that someone was a little upset for not getting best answer then reported it?

  3. It would almost seem Yahoo plays right into the hands of these small minded snips almost as bad as allowing the wrong person to carrie the gun - loaded - but it is Yahoo's game -  

  4. Appeal it anyway.  A good friend, and regular here in Seniors got his restored.  

    And whoever got best answer won't mind if the points disappeared!  LOL  I learned that the hard way!  

    But if you want the recipe, go to google and type in the first line of the question in parenthesis, then type Yahoo Answers, and google should be able to find it if it was on longer than a couple hours.  When you find the question, click "cached" and not on the title in google.

    If you can't find it, you can contact me, and I'll get it and forward it.

  5. I have gotten violations on questions and answers over 8 months old. You see they never go away, they are under resolved questions and they can still be reported. No way to delete them ever.  

  6. wat was the reason for the violation?? and i think they keep the points but you lose 10

  7. Are you sure it wasn't the Democrats, Olivia, ha ha.

  8. I think you lose 10 points and the one that answered get to keep 10. I would love to have e-mail from different folks in answers but I am afraid of the ones not playing with a full deck so I stay private.

  9. I've gotten violations weeks later.  The answer gets to keep the points, but you are fined ten points plus you loose the five points for asking the question.

  10. I did get a -10 points for best ans. (chatting) so I imagine you do if the question is deleted but I don't know what question it was.

    I have recently been in a fight with Yahoo Answers for two questions deleted (one for chatting - one for not being a question). I have sent Yahoo Answers two scathing appeals to no avail. I wrote, relatively, the same question on 4 different boards, to see if I had a stalker. Three were left on, the one on the senior board was deleted.

    It could be one of my three contacts (one of which really disagrees with me she loves Obama while I am supporting McCain/Pailn), but I doubt it.  My "test" kind of proved it was specifically the senior board, at least in my case.

    Then I got two requests to "not hide" my questions and ans. The two requests I believe were legitimate (because of our give and take) so, to honor the requests, I opened my questions/answers to the public but hid my contacts because I didn't want to  harm anyone because they associated with me. I think I may have taken one hit but . . . as many people on the boards have advised "lighten up." I answered one of my new friends in response to her "just walk over the bridge . . . the trolls are underneath" with  - I am the type of person that walks on the bridge, leans over the side to look for trolls, falls in and drowns . . . and in my last breathe . . . I say "that will teach you." If I am to stay on this board I have to take very tough advice for me "walk over the bridge . . .  just have fun."

  11. Maybe someone thought you were making a sick joke.  Unfortunately, YA automatically deletes everything anyone "reports" whether it's a violation or not.

    I wanted to answer your squirrel question, but I ran into my answer limit for the day.  I had squirrel a few times as a kid when my dad was laid off and occasionally went hunting.  Sometimes all he came home with were squirrels.  We had squirrel stew, which was a lot like chicken stew except that the meat was a little gamier, somewhere in between red and white meat.  And was definitely NOT nutty tasting.  Not bad, just a little different.

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