
What happens when you run after a meal?

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I ran a couple miles after a meal and my stomach has been hurting for a couple days. Is that because of the running, or something else?




  1. cramps and vomit.  

    it could be that you have a mild stomach ulcer, idk, or you just maybe stressed the muscles .  it's probably the second

  2. Well, normally when I run after a meal, I'll get a stomach cramp. But, since it has been hurting for a couple days, I think it would be from something else. For future notice, I would recommend having a light snack 30 minutes before running and have dinner after. If it continues to hurt, maybe you should see a doctor. I hope you feel better.

  3. Lions and cheetahs generally CATCH their meals when they run after them. But humans should rest for awhile until the system recovers. Remember, we were predators once, and our bodies are designed to chase and rest, too.

  4. You'll get craps or throw up

  5. I don't think it should be hurting for days. That maybe because of something else. Do you have any other symptoms besides your stomach hurting? Take something to calm down your stomach and if it persists along with more symptoms then I would recommend seeing your doctor.

  6. it's quite scary, my friend did it once. The longer the run, the more prone one is to these side effects. While food builds up in the stomach, it is natural for the body to become tired (sleepy), as this is the perfect time for the body to digest food. The longer you run, the more the food is bouncing and moving around in the stomach. What can happen (rare) is called the Exploding Stomach Syndrome. Your stomach really can't with hold food for too long during strenous activity, and will try to vomit, f**t, or p**p. While running, you have to let yourself do these things, otherwise your stomach will turn inside out (attempting to churn and break down the food stuff) and once turned around the acid within your stomach will burn your insides, literally. Then...BOOM you no longer have a stomach.

    Simply, don't eat before a run, take at least 30-45 minutes, preferably an hour. Honestly, it will just burn a lot, side stitches (cramps in the stomach) will occur and makes it difficult to run. It won't necessarily hurt you, but it is painful.

  7. I get sick if I eat and run...So I suspect thats it

  8. You don't feel good because the food isn't digested.

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