
What happens when you start your period?

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what happens when you start your period. i havent started my period, and today my stomach has been hurting really bad, and i had diarreaha and there was really really light blood when i wiped. help me pleaseeeee.




  1. That's a sign of getting your period. Use a pad and eat lots of bananas because they help get rid of cramps. Congrats, you entered womanhood. Good Luck!!!

  2. yea it might be your period when you see blood like that it means it is coming probably later on tonight or tomorrow.  

  3. It sounds like your period.Although you may just have diarrhea and the blood might be comin from your behind.

  4. Sounds like you have your period!

    Signs of a period include, abdominal pains, sore b***s, water retention, headaches, mood swings, hot flushes.

    Dont worry you may never have them all, just a little bit of information incase!

    Good luck xx

  5. Trust me, you'll know when you get it. You can feel it. Sometimes though, you can bleed from diarrhea so maybe its not your period. Just be aware of yourself, and watch out for it.  

  6. calm down take a good breath ok and calm down sweetie it's ok i will tell you what are the signs of your periods ok sweetie they are

    1) your breast start to itch or burn

    2) your face starts to break up

    3) below of your stoamch will start to hurt it's rite below of your belly button

    i feel bad for you when you have diarreaha , if u wiped to hard the blood comes out and trust me it happens to me alot

    if you still have diarreaha you should eat toast , drink tea not to salty or somehting like that eat something plan not much flavor on it ok i have dirarreaha once and i was having a bad stomach ache as well it took 3 weeks or more to get rid of dirarreaha , it's properly ate something that your stomach wont excecpt for waht you eat it happens to me alot , you have to eat the rite food so your stomach could except it ok take care and good luck ok sweetie i hope you feel better as well


    PS if you still have bad cramps sweetie you should

    1) drink alot of water

    2) get something healthy like fruits or vegatables which you like :)

    3) get plenty of excerice like doing sit ups and stuff or go to the fitness center to get more excerise ok sweetie

    4) try to think postive of your cramps since weeks ago i have a really bad cramps and my grandma told me that i have to think postive or happy thoughts and it works i hope it works on you as well

    5) get plenty of rest as well when i go to sleep i sleep on my stomach part it helps to stop cramping and stuff

    6) if your cramps still bothering you then used midol and drink a full class of water as well .

    i hope i helped you enough ok it's part of being woman it means your body is starting to change and your growing a beautiful that you are now take care sweetie

  7. i think u got your period good luckk

  8. you probably just got your period! congratulations! you should tell your parents! or a close friend! good luck! =]

  9. As WEIRD as this sounds, on my first period, I had a **** load of diarreha and stuff.. only on the second day did I get blood.

    So it's very possible that it's your period.

    Welcome to the club.

  10. It could be your period, just keep watching to see if the bleeding gets heavier.

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