
What happens when you step on coral?

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as in the coral in the coral reef. Is it harmful?




  1. Coral is already in trouble, due to pollution.  You would be adding MORE pollution.  The organisms, which use coral as their home, would be even more compromised than the already are.  Coral is quite sharp and could cut your feet to ribbons.

  2. The coral reef is actually dead coral "skeletons."  Stepping on it would not be harmful to the reef itself, but it would be harmful to the organisms that live in it.  It may also be harmful to you, since coral can be fairly sharp.

  3. You become coral-gated! haha!

    No but seriously I don't think it's harmful. You might kill some organisms that live in it though.

  4. If you cut your foot on coral, like any other wound, it can become infected. Being that the wound is immediately introduced to bacteria-laden water, which is a great transport medium, your chance of an infection is greatly increased, and the type of infection has a higher likelihood of being nastier than usual. Now, infections aside, your new wound will bleed, which could attract sharks. They can sense a single drop of blood in millions of gallons of water from many miles away. If you're attacked by a shark, an infection from a coral cut is the least of your worries

  5. if you get cut it can be very infectious,and it is a bad cut ,very uneven

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