
What happens when you stop taking antidepressants?

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My friend hasn't exactly grown up in the best environment, and she's on antidepressants. (She's never actually told me that, but she's mentioned that she's on routine medication and she was reluctant to talk about it, and antidepressants make a lot of sense in her case.)

Two days ago, she was hyper - reeeeeally hyper. Yesterday, she was average, a little on the tired side. Today she was flat out sick - cold, shaking, barely able to do anything. One of our other friends forced her to take some Tylenol, and she did, which I think made her feel a little better.

Normally, I wouldn't be worried about this, and I'd just assume she was sick. However, we've been drinking out of the same water jug for a couple of weeks now. (Gross, I know, but when it's burning hot outside and you're out for 5 hours you don't have much choice.) I'm not sick - I feel better than I normally do, actually. She's also been mentioning how much she hates taking pills. That and other things have made me worried that she's just quit taking her pills, hiding them maybe like the Tylenol I tried to give her once.

So, basically, my question here is, if you've been taking antidepressants for long enough can you get physically sick from quitting them cold turkey?




  1. It will depend on the type of anti-depressant shes taking. Most anti-depressants generally need to be taken regularly, and is why patient taking are monitored by doctors (psychiatrists) regularly, to make sure they don't go cold turkey. The unfortunate news about antidepressants is that they usually require people to stay on them for several years and when a doctor feels that he/she is getting better they will EASE them off it by reducing the dosage gradually, not going cold turkey. Stopping abruptly can usually cause a worsening of previous symptoms of depression.  

    Most likely she is probably taking Prozac/fluoxetine (most popular antidepressant). Citing a small abstract from a standford study:

    "Sudden discontinuation of serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRI) can lead to a number of psychological (e.g., nervousness, anxiety, crying spells, psychomotor agitation, irritability, depersonalization, decreased mood, memory disturbances, confusion, decreased concentration, and/or slowed thinking) and somatic (e.g., nausea, dizziness, headache) symptoms."

    I had taken about four types of antidepressants before and I was really encouraged not to stop or go forget without informing the doctors. I've done the cold turkey thing before and in the end you will feel horrible (some days I felt okay).

    Though your friend has the right to refuse to take the medication anytime, I would only recommend her stop it only if her doctor thinks she is ready and/or if she HONESTLY feels that she can live without them, not because she doesn't feel like taking them.

  2. most anti depresents are pretty potent and highly addictive so in her case she would need weened off them like slowly or it could make her have really bad withdraws

  3. Yes, you can get physically sick from quitting them cold turkey, and they specifically state NOT to (they can even cause seizures).  These don't sound like withdrawl symptoms from antidepressants though.  It sounds more like she may be taking some stuff that she shouldn't be, and by that I mean drugs.  Possibly hydrocodones or some other form of highly-abused drug.  

    The best thing you can do is keep an eye on her, and see if she'll tell you what she's actually taking (and why).  You might try talking to her parents if possible, or a school counselor (if she's in school).

    Good luck!

  4. Withdrawal can definitely give you physical symptoms. Cold, shaking, nervousness,nausea,vomiting.

    Antidepressants must be tapered off. They also have to be taken regularly to do any good.

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