
What happens when you stop taking maca?

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I stopped taking maca and have been having strange and frequent periods.




  1. Basically, that's it.  I took Maca for about a year for hot flashes.  All that happened was I got the hot flashes back and nothing more, after stopping.  All Maca is, is a root.  Like eating a veggie, sort of.  

    You should regulate out once it's out your system for good, depending on how long you took it.

    If you're worried, see a dr.



    This page lists (11) questions and answers relating to various concerns about the effects of maca on an assortment of health issues. It also gives commentary on possible side effects, how it works with other substances and herbs, tips on taking different kinds of maca products, etc.

    To see other archived questions and answers about maca, click here

    #1- Maca Question:

    I'm very concerned of iron over-absorbtion.

    I bought Maca Magic at Whole Foods Market last week. Since then I'm taking 6 capsules a day for about a week. I think it makes me feel good and energetic. However, I found out that it has a significant amount of iron. Any over-dose of iron can create serious problems in the liver and heart. I'm very concerned of iron over-absorption. Would you please give me your guidance on that?

    #1- Maca Magic Answer:

    We understand that maca is comparable to other iron rich foods. We do not think that 2-6 capsules a day should pose a problem, however everyone is different. In the case that you may be sensitive to iron, or taking to much by way of other foods or supplements, including maca, it would be wise to cut back on iron intake from maca or other vitamins if you have also consulted with a doctor about this.

    We also feel that maca is a food supplement. It should be taken as a supplement to a diet when needed for its special therapeutic action. The dosage and frequency should be managed according to your needs. In other words, we do not feel that maca needs to be taken everyday to show a benefit. Of course this depends on why you are supplementing with it. It may prove especially useful during times of intense physical exertion, hormonal imbalance, recovery or cleansing regimes, chronic fatigue, etc.

    #2- Maca Question:

    Does maca have any effect on blood platelet levels?

    I have been taking Maca Magic for a period of two weeks as prescribed by my health professional to hopefully assist with flushes. My question is this. Could Maca have any effect on the blood platelets level as I have had an I T P for some years and my platelets level has just dropped dramatically. As I have only recently started taking Maca and Black Cohosh I was just curious as to whether this could be so?

    #2- Maca Magic Answer:

    In light of the negative possibilities with Black Cohosh we do not combine or use Black Cohosh in our formulas. It is an herb that is said to have similar effects in the body to the female s*x hormone estrogen. Therefore, the herb is often prescribed as a practical alternative to hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women. It is effective to help ease the discomfort of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and has helped thousands without complications. However, many women are finding black cohosh to be somewhat debilitating after awhile and long term use is not recommended. The possibilities of herb interactions are endless. While it's tempting to combine Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa), and maca, we have noted such positive effects from maca that its has made the Black Cohosh unnecessary.

    Maca works completely different than Black Cohosh. It allows the endocrine system to do the work rather than supplying any particular phyto-estrogenic chemical. There are no noted toxicity reports from maca, but there are warnings for Black Cohosh. If you have ITP then the situation is more interesting. It is said that 2% of the serotonin, a mood elevating neurotransmitter, is stored in platelets. In addition to serotonin, your platelets also carry its 'parent' or precursory chemical L-tryptophan. While serotonin can't pass through the blood brain barrier, L-tryptophan can. These substances are involved in such processes as sleep/wake cycles, biological rhythms, appetite, mood regulation, etc. As an adaptogen, Maca has been noted to have a positive effect on regulating functions, therefore the addition of the herb Black Cohosh makes the evaluation more complicated. In order to make a better evaluation of your blood platlete count, it may be wise to use maca independent of the Black Cohosh untill your doctor is sure of what has caused the change.

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    #3- Maca Question:

    Is maca suitable for my autistic daughter?

    Someone suggested I give Maca to my 28-year-old autistic daughter who suffers from painful periods and terrible PMS. She is on Tegretol for seizures. Would there be an adverse reaction to mixing Tegretol and Maca?

    #3- Maca Magic Answer:

    We don't really know if there will be any contraindications with maca and the medication you metioned... no one has done those studies. So we cannot recommend it either way. We do know that it has a profound effect on the reproducutive and endochrine system. Our formula Maca HRT has proven to be very popular. Many people use it to address issues of all types and it's said to be non toxic. We sincerely hope it could be of help.

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    #4- Maca Question:

    My concern is cancer. I have heard raising the estrogen levels isn't smart. Does maca do this?

    This root seems almost too good to be true. I am in peri-menapuase and have a lot of symptoms which it sounds like this would help. My concern is cancer. I have heard raising the estrogen levels isn't smart. Does Maca do this? I am still getting a period, not consistently, but would this be affected??

    #4- Maca Magic Answer:

    We have a lot of customers and there are many practitioners that use maca to address the issues you raised. There are no studies that show connections with maca causing cancers. On the contrary MACA contains levels of ISOTHIOCYANTE which are shown in some studies to combat cancers. According to Dr. Chacon, Maca can also stimulate the graffian follicles, promoting menstruation. However, I don't think we can adequately answer your questions at this time. As mentied above, we can tell you there are many positive results for women with similar issues as yours.

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    #5- Maca Question:

    Have you heard from anyone that experienced cramps after starting the maca?

    Is this normal and will it eventually taper off? I am a 55 yr. old. I love the energy, but wondered about the cramps. I'm only taking one 500 mg. capsule a day.

    #5- Maca Magic Answer:

    Yes that is possible. Maca stimulates graffian follicles, ovulation, and we have recently heard maca can produce cramping in some women. The case we have heard of this is in women who have had their tubes tied, or women who are taking maca the day before or during before their period. Although you are not taking high doses, you may be especially sensitive to maca. It may be best for you to cut back altogether, or only use as needed. .

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    #6- Maca Question:

    Are there any known side effects with Maca Magic?

    #6- Maca Magic Answer:

    So far, we have not heard of any serious Maca contra-indications. It can, however, make men and women more fertile. And, to be safe, we do not recommend taking it while pregnant or nursing, although many Peruvian women do. Maca can also effect the menstruation cycle of young women (16 yrs to 30 years old) who eat a lot of maca for a long time. It can speed up the cycle. Once the Maca dose is lowered or stopped the cycle returns to normal. Maca root can also provide too much energy if taken late in the day. People who have had thyroid surgery or on medications can become jittery on it. As always, consult your doctor if there are any important issues.

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    #7- Maca Question:

    I have several questions...

    I have several questions.

    1. Macafe has 0 mg caffeine?

    2. Can I drink this while I take other supplements like Tongkat Ali, etc?

    3. Does Maca have any side effects like rapid heart rate, etc?

    4. Can I drink this all the time or do I need to cycle?

    #7- Maca Magic Answers:

    Answers match numerical order above:

    1. Right, No caffeine, its 100% Maca root, and rich in bioaviable maca alkaloids that enhance endocrine function and help your body utilize more of it's own natural hormone production.

    2. There are no studies with maca and Tonkat ali. However, maca is known to be compatible with hundreds of foods and other supplements.

    3. Maca does have side effects. However, it is not known to increase heart rate. Rather, high doses are considered to have a relaxing effect on the heart. Maca has also been tested and shows no toxicity even at high doses. Maca can increase fertility in men and woman. It may be able to disrupt birth control. (This is not known for sure) It can also stimulate graffian follicles in women and cause more frequent menstruation. High doses can sometimes cause fatigue due to deydration and high potassium levels. It may also cause stomach upset in some people using higher doses. Using maca with coffee or other stimulants can sometimes intensify feelings and make people feel "hyper" or "agro". This is what we know.

    4. As with any herbs, or food , please cycle your use. This will depend on your age and reason for using maca.

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    #8- Maca Question:

    Should I continue taking Black Cohash with maca root, or discontinue it?

    I have been taking black cohash for a couple of years. It has been an effective aid for hot flashes and night sweats but not mood swings. My local herb store recommended your product, liquid drops, which have helped tremendously. My question is, should I continue taking the black cohash with maca root, or discontinue the black cohash? It will be several weeks before I can return to my local herb store.

    #8- Maca Magic Answer:

    This is a difficult question because you seem to be doing fine with the cohosh and we cannot give out any type of medical advice. However, I can tell you that we have seen that Maca Magic is generally just what the 'Doctor Ordered' and will suffice on its own. There are no formal studies on the topic bu

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