
What happens when you take an overdose?

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when you get to hospital after being found?

i'm writing a story about depression for my AS level coursework,


i'd appreciate people who have taken one and nurses to tell me so i can write about it accurately.




  1. Hello,

    Not everyone who overdoses go to the doctors/hospital.

    My neurologist by phone (we are in very small town and talk to him or his nurse by phone quite a bit).  Said I over dosed myself the other day.

    The medication ie drug was florinal. Prescribed to me by another doctor for migraines.  I feel I am pretty good about all my medications. I look up all the effects on the computer, dont mix the wrong drugs together. Such as my anti inflammatory's with this med like the web site said.

    I tell my guy when I take any med.  and I am very outspoken about alternative meds / drugs. I do my best to be educated.

    I woke up shaky, my heart felt heavy, I was paranoid and afraid for I felt "weird" even though I do not take a full dose, my doctor said these symptoms were   from  this drug.

    Over dosing can look pretty harmless per say. I read where overdosing of over the counter meds. and prescribed meds.   is common. Reading where illegal drugs are some of the cases coming in but only a small percentage, go on the web and read up.

  2. Well depends what youve taken and how long ago

    Some can rot your insides and if you took your time gettin to the hospital it can be MORE Than just pumping your stomach

    Try looking on the web and medical websites or Wikipedia

  3. The hospital will pump your stomach. It's really gross and discusting. It makes you feel like you're being suffocated. It really sucks. Then you're stuck in the psychiatric hospital for months because they automatically assume you're suicidal.  

  4. They just pump your stomach.. I think thats it.. However my friend when i done my work experience said she got drunk and accidently took loads of pills.. and they had to rush up hospital and get her stomach pumped and she really didn't like it as it felt horrible xx

  5. i have taken 3 overdoses and been found and taken to hospital.

    the first thing they do is take blood so they can determine how much you have taken and of what. all three times i was semi concious so i vaguely remember what happened. my breathing wasnt great so i was on a heart monitor and had an oxygen mask. i had to keep having ECG's and was kept in overnight and monitored until i returned to normal. i had to speak to a member of the Mental Health Team before i was allowed to go anywhere so they can arrange aftercare.

    hope this helps

  6. When someone OD's (over doses) and is taken to the hospital, several things can happen. If it is known what drug it was (by finding bottles, someone to tell, a note) they will follow the suggested treatment for that medication. Sometimes they will induce vomiting, make them drink charcoal, pump the stomach, flush the system with IV fluid, sometimes they will have to put the person on dialysis to try to save the kidney's Kidney's are what processes a lot of the chemicals in the body.

    If the drug is not known, they will do a quick blood test first to see if it is something that needs immediate attention. If the drug isn't identified by this, they will start IV fluids and have the longer drug test done to find out.

    If the person is having difficultly breathing, they will do a chest x-ray. If it looks like someone hit there head or have some form of head trauma, they will do a CAT scan. The will do other diagnostic tests to make sure the person is not having problems anywhere else.

    The majority of people will at least spend a night in the hospital to be monitored. If the person is the one who took the drugs, instead of being given them in a drink, or something like that, the person will be evaluated by a mental health professional. If needed the person will be admitted to a psych unit until it is safe for them to go home.

    That is how it works in the hospital I work at.

  7. i took loads of paracetamol and got rushed to hospital and i didn't have my stomach pumped i had my blood taken and had  to wait a hour for the results to come back weather or not my liver could handel it i was ok so they stuck me on a drip over night i felt like c**p in the morning and was not allowed to take paracetamol for a month! x

  8. depends how long it is before someone finds you

    generally you die ;l

  9. Check out sites like this one !

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