
What happens when you take male enhancement pills for a while, but then stop?

by Guest32731  |  earlier

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for anyone that actually takes they REALLY work?




  1. They do not work, but if you start taking them, then stop, the enhancement reverses and your p***s shrinks to baby size.  Beware.

  2. My DH just got in Mojo Risen. There were only 10 capsules in a 30 day supply and the company said that is it good to take a rest between capsules because you can build a tolerance to it...that would suck! So, we are going to follow the directions, which means taking a break from them.  

  3. If they are Herbally based, it is advisable to give a rest between dosages.  Herbs work best when so many days on and so many days off.  Don't overload the body with them.Drink plenty of water for herbs to work.

    I don't like the chemical based ones.

  4. James V is right. Some can actually be harmful.

  5. pills don't work

    Here are three good natural p***s enhancement techniques I recommend for rookies. Done properly and consistently, they should add close to an inch or two to your p***s in six weeks.

    1. p***s stretches. This one is very simple. Just take your flaccid p***s and stretch it as far out in front of your body as it will go. Do it gently and gradually and hold it there for thirty seconds. Rest ten seconds between sets and repeat this at least ten times.

    2. Jelqing. This is another great technique for rookies. Get your p***s halfway erect, apply lubrication, and grip it tightly at the base with the thumb and forefinger of one hand. Slowly slide that hand up the shaft toward the tip, pushing as much blood into your p***s as possible. When you reach the tip, immediately grip the base the same way using the other hand and repeat. Do this nonstop for ten minutes.

    3. Ulis. This is a great exercise to increase girth. It is also very easy and does not take much time. Achieve a full erection and grip the base of your p***s the same way you would if you were jelqing. Squeeze as hard as you can without causing discomfort. Your p***s shaft should swell and your p***s head should get big and shiny. Hold for ten seconds and rest for ten seconds. Repeat this three or four times.

    Do this routine every other day and make sure you warm your p***s up before each workout by wrapping it in a hot washcloth for five minutes.

  6. They are a gimmick.

  7. of course they don't work, but stretching the p***s works, you don't wana stretch your p***s manually all day so get a p***s stretcher, look at the site below  

  8. nothing, you will save money

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