
What happens when you touch the zebra finches eggs?

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Do they leave the eggs when some one touches them?

any info please??




  1. A person discreet oil from their pores constantly.  Every time you touch the eggs the oil on your fingers close up some of the pores on the egg shell. They embryo in the egg shell has to have those pores open for the shell to breath properly. I never touch the eggs unless they are bad. If I move them I have plastic spoons that transport the eggs to another nest. That way I don't close down any of the pores of the shell.

    It isn't the fact that the eggs are being touched that makes the birds leave a nest. It is them being found. In the wild that isn't a good thing for the nest to be found. That means that a snake, hawk, crow or other predator will eat them. The bird leaves rather than take a chance of being had while sitting around or on the nest.

  2. Don't touch them. Leave them the heck alone.

    Zebra finch eggs are EXTREMELY fragile and break almost if you breathe on them!

  3. No, there's an old wives tale that says the birds can smell your scent and they'll abandon the nest, but that isn't true.  If it was, then zoos would have NO reproductive success with their birds at all...and we reproduce birds at zoos all the time while hand-incubating the eggs and freely transferring them back to the parent bird when necessary for continued incubation as well.

    "Life is Good" is also correct about their fragility, though.  They have very thin shells and can break or crack easily.

  4. xx

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