
What happens when you write a written complaint about a police officer?

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If they decide not to do anything about the complaint after following up, does the complaint still go in the officers personal file? What effect does it have?

The letter just descibes how the officer's attitude was rude and he was not helpful.




  1. Absolutely nothing.  I have dealt with a lot of shady cops, even one notoriously shady cop that has had dozens of complaints filed against him and he is still with the force and has been promoted several times.  If it's for something very serious and there are enough complaints he might be reprimanded or investigated but it's extremely unlikely.

    It's still worth doing though because there's nothing else that can be done, police can basically do anything they want.

  2. At my agency all written complaints are investigated by the Officer's immediate supervisor.  If the compliant is criminal in nature or very serious (such as a complaint of planting evidence) it is given to a detective to investigate.  If the complainant tells the investigator that they don't want to follow through with it then the complaint is dropped.  At my agency the dropped complaint will show on the Officers record as an unfounded report (meaning the report is baseless).  Only complaints that show wrong doing on the Officers part have a negative effect on the Officer.  Baseless or bogus complaints do not harm the Officer.

    I am a Sergeant at my agency and investigate my guys from time to time.

    If the complaint is sustained (the Officer is found to be in violation of policy and or the law) then he/she will be disciplined.  Discipline could be anything from a counseling statement to suspension, to termination.  Rudeness is usually just a counseling statement unless the Officer has a history of it.

  3. That depends on the crookedness of the police dept. It is supposed to go on file. Sometimes these things get lost in the paper shuffle though.

  4. The complaint will be investigated by either the Internal Affairs or the office of the police chief.

    If the complaint is found to be substantiated, then a disciplinary letter will be placed in the officers file.

    Punishment can include letter of reprimand, suspension or termination.

    If all your complaint was is that 'he was rude and not helpful', I really doubt that your complaint will be found to be valid.

    Rudeness and lack of help isn't necessarily a violation of policy or law, it would just be the your perception of the situation.

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