
What happens when your'e singing and you have to sneeze or yawn?

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Just wondering.




  1. Gee, I never thought about that!  I've been singing for years and that's never happened to me.  I wouldn't think you would yawn, because yawning has a lot to do with how you are breathing, and if you're singing properly you're probably breathing properly.

    Sneezing?  I dunno - it's never happened to me, and I sure hope it doesn't!

    I will say, though - when I am singing I try to drink only beverages that do not contain any carbonation so that I don't burp in the middle of a song!  I did come close to that once, which would have been hilarious.  Fortunately, I timed the burp to come during the "instrumental break" so that the microphone was far away from my face.  LOL!  

  2. Turn away from the mike,in both cases. In situation #1, Flying snot can break an audience's attention,as well as foul up your mike. Consider it an act of God, and cover your face,as  you would under ordinary  circumstances. Then pray  your body didn't need to excrete a massive amount of mucous.

       As for a yawn, I heard many years ago that it is an involuntary act in which the body is in need of oxygen.( not just  air ). If you are not playing an instrument at the moment the yawn occurs,  you might try some tactic

    which would distract  the audience's attention. Who knows? You might accidentally hit on some legendary move, and become world famous!!

  3. Well, I guess if you can't hold it...just let it happen, then start again!  

  4. The yawn would only help me open up my upper pallete. As for the sneeze, I guess, try to swallow it.

    That is, if I'm actually peforming.

  5. just shrug it off and apologize to the audience:)

  6. It rarely happens...

    when you sing, the body somehow concentrates all its efforts on making the sound. People rarely sneeze/yawn whilst doing it.


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