
What happens with Dayquil and Nyquil mixed?

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Just a curious question.

I've heard things like overdosing and nasty side effects can happen.




  1. If you took half a dose of each, nothing would happen. Dayquil doesn't have the antihistamine that Nyquil has that makes you sleepy, so you wouldn't get as sleepy.

  2. absoultly nothing they will both negate the effects of each other

  3. Hmm... well, the thing that I would watch is that you'd get a pretty high dose of acetominophen, which can cause liver failure.

    The DXM won't kill you, and at that level probably won't even get you high.

    Phenylephrine... I think the phenylephrine's just in the Dayquil, and not the Nyquil, so that shouldn't be a problem.

    The antihistamine in Nyquil's pretty unpleasant if you OD on it, but again, that one's just in the Nyquil.

    Overall, watch the acetominophen.  That'll be the thing that gets you into trouble.

  4. To be honest, this is a guess...but...

    The two have the same drugs, the only difference is Nyquil has all the same, PLUS an antihistamine, this is what helps you sleep.

    If you take normal doses of both, you can overdose because you are taking DOUBLE DOSAGE of 3 drugs.  If you take one of each, it's probably no big deal, but you'd have a hard time sleeping if you are really sick because you won't have a strong amount of antihistamine helping you.

    The general idea of mixing the two though, doesn't matter unless you take a full dose of both because the drugs are the same except the one that makes you sleepy (and they just add it in).  I would not recommend taking 2 pills of Dayquil, and then 2 pills (or a whole liquid) dose of Nyquil though, because double of the cough suppressant can cause hallucination, double decongestants will cause your nose to run run run, and we all know that double pain reliever can cause nausea.

    You probably wouldn't overdose, to be honest, not overdose in the sense of fatality, you'd probably just puke it up or feel worse.  If you do it often, though, then you might.  But they lower the doses on purpose so people DON'T overdose.  If I had a nickel for how many times I've heard doctors give permission to double the dose of some kind of pain medication...

  5. what a dumb question.

    seriously why would you even ask that? are you trying to find ways to get high??

  6. welll...its the same thing, one just puts you to sleep. so if you did half of the dose in pm and half of the dose in am, then she'll probably be a little sleepy.

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