
What happens with dishonest clirvoyants?

by  |  earlier

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Many people like to take info with the help of a.m. For example I have a friend and her parents are often causing her troubles by going to clairvoyants for asking for her - all because she does not have kids and they expect to "offer" her at a appropriate moment some of theirs for heritage .She has also some psi-abilities and they are making her to use negative energy to be in calm.The clairvoyants are continuing to do their business knowing well this is a good money to use such problems.

So what could happen to them ?




  1. As far as I can tell, they generally retire on the money they've fleeced from the gullible.

  2. Usually nothing,if one set of marks or customers wises up to them.There's plenty of others looking for easy answers.

  3. your query's interesting.

    if you don't mind my asking, Luma, from what country do you belong; that is, what's your nationality? questions like yours should be answered with respect and consideration to your prevailing culture and customs.


  4. I'm not sure if I understand you completely, but it sounds like someone is taking someone else for a ride, financially speaking.

  5. karma happens

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