
What happens with people who dont go to college?

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So lets say you just cant afford college, what kinds of jobs are out there for people who do not have that chance? can you still make good money? what is the Highest peying Job that you will get with out college?




  1. well some people don't go to college but they work hard and work their way up! i know my boss for a fact didnt go to college and she's my boss now getting good money. i work for a law firm and she is the office manager, started at the bottom worked her way up... so it just depends what you want to do and also if you work hard at it.. you can start from the botton and work your way up but it takes time and effort.

  2. considering that you wrote "peying", i would suggest you apply for a college loan.

  3. The best thing I can say to you is that you better have the hook up!  You should try applying for scholarships to get money because its an uphill battle for the poor!

    If your parents are rich or your parents have really good connections then you could get a really good job.  My friend has Ds and Cs in highschool now but since his dad is a rich doctor in the army, his dad was able to get him a 80K job RIGHT OUT OF HIGHSCHOOL!  His mom made him turn it down because she wants him to go to college.  He was pissed but in this world its not about what you know but who you know.

    You have it a lot easier in life if you are rich because you have so many opportunities.

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