
What hardship's has Genghis khan gone through?

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What hardship's has Genghis khan gone through?




  1. the three noble truths the truths of? old age, suffering & death? He wasn't a Buddhist was he?  No ah I suppose the regular ones and some not so regular too.

  2. When he was around 8 he was sent to live with his future wifes family. The tradition in this was that they would basically treat him badly enough till he would be a strong husband for his wife which he would marry when he was around 12 years old. He would have suffered beatings and humiliation till that time except that on the way back to their homeland his father was poisoned by a rival tribe. Because of this he was sent back home to take over the tribe. One of the tribemen who wanted to be chief himself got the rest of the tribe to agree that he was too young and he and his family were cast out of the tribe. He spent years roaming and starving and doing whatever they had to do to survive the cold and starvations. He finally, through killing, fear, and intimidation, took back what  should have been his in the first place and much more. This included the wife that had been chosen for him. The rest of his life was filled with killing, war, avoiding assasination attempts, and conquering almost an entire nation on horseback.

  3. That he wasn't able to kill every one of his enemies!

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