
What has Al Gore done with all that money?

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Did Al Gore profit from his movie 'An Inconvenient Truth'?

What did he do with his share of the money?

Does he donate money to causes that will reduce pollution, increase recycling, save energy?

I'm just wondering, seems like the rich get richer and the rules/changes he is suggesting that we make don't prescribe to him...




  1. He used it to build a secret hideaway in the Arctic, where he laughs and sips iced drinks while watching baby polar bears and penguins struggle to swim in a gigantic hot tub.

  2. "100 percent of the profits from the book and the movie [will go] to a new bipartisan educational campaign to further spread the message about global warming."

  3. Nobel Peace Prize was where the money went, to search for new ways to try to stop global warming. It wasn't a brive either. When he won the NPP, he gave all of the money that came with it back. And how else is someone flying all around the nation extremely fast supposed to travel. By car? By train? By public airflight with long lines? NO!

  4. MC D's Chesseburgers

  5. I love Al Gore.  He expects us to be driving a Toyota Prius (which, BTW, looks like a gerbil effed a dust buster, but I digress)... while he flew a private jet to many of his appearances.

    Way to go Al...!

  6. He donated ALL of the money from both the movie,and his Nobel prize. The nasty rumors that he got rich on the Global Warming debate is just oil company style propaganda! The problem of global climate change is the most serious challenge to humankind in our long history on this tiny planet!

  7. not give it back thats for sure?

  8. he donated the entire amount ALONG with his million dollar prize for the Nobel Prize to research and support.

  9. Jet fuel

  10. Typical case of "killing the messenger". People who don't like what he has to say on climate are now calling him a hypocrite because he flies around in a jet.

    Like Galileo told the inquisition "E pur si muove" (and yet it moves), climate change there is, whether man made or natural or a combination or little green men, it's here and it has to be dealt with. Even Mother Teresa had to travel to take her message and to talk to people to affect change.

    Just because the guy has a message on how fossil fuel consumption is responsible for global warming doesn't mean that he can change things from a cave while he eats weeds, no one would listen to him if he did.

    Sure the rich get richer, that's always been the case, but how about worrying about those that "have to" cut 2,000, 5,000 or even 10,000 jobs in order to "cut costs" so that they can send the jobs to slave labor in China, so that their stock can go up and they in turn can make more money and then point the finger in the direction of illegal immigrants and blame them for the job loses?

    How about worrying about giant corporations making huge bucks from predatory lending with less than scrupulous methods, "contracts" which are pages long on print that is hardly legible with language that takes the team of several legal firms to decipher who would rather take your house and put you on the street rather than to make less money that they SPECULATED they were going to make?

    Because many of these companies when they say that they "lost" money, they didn't actually lose any, they will just not make as much as they "projected" they would.

  11. Probably used it to buy gasoline for his gas-guzzling SUVs, pay for jet fuel for his private jet, and pay the electric bill at his mansion.

  12. -- He expects us to be driving a Toyota Prius (which, BTW, looks like a gerbil effed a dust buster --

    JustAChick -- LOL -- that's the funniest line

  13. Lets just say Al Gore is an an Idiot !

  14. Al Gore was rich before the movie

    and it was family money from CIGARETTES

    Legal Killers

  15. Fuel for his jet

  16. Build huge homes that consume approx. 7x the amount of electricity of the avg. home. Oh, and maybe buy some carbon credits to offset it - translated - paid for someone in Africa to go and plant some trees to offset his energy consumption.

  17. Donated to his cause. Gore is a man of honor and is the easy target for those who don't like his policies or the truth. And those of lesser intelligence always resort to his weight, Dr. Jello anyone?

  18. He's sequestering carbon in his paints.

    Has anyone seen how fat this man has gotten in the last few years?

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