
What has BBC news reporter Caroline Wyatt been up to? she looks very foxy these days?

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All that hair, cleavage even, anyone got any gossip?




  1. lusting after news reporters is sad

    but if youre gonna do it at least pick a decent one like emily maitlis

  2. I haven't noticed - but will look out now I've read this. I love it when this happens to reporters, as it seems to quite often. I remember when Kate Silverton suddenly 'blossomed' - and she's still in bloom now!

  3. Caroline Wyatt was born a man.

    You did know that, didn't you?

    check out the adams apple or the scar where it used to be,

    apparently it's a dead give-away.

    I don't think it matters what a reporter looks like, incidentally, she/he's a good journalist that's all that really matters.

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