
What has Georgia/South Ossetia/Abkhazia/Russia conflict got to do with the Americans ?

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We read that the US President has warned Russia over its border disputes with Georgia. But what the h**l has Russia's sphere of influence got to do with the Americans, are they not overburdened enough meddling in other nations affairs in the Middle-East without meddling with Russia's affairs too ?





  1. Georgia is a democratic country.

    Georgia has been making overtures about becoming a member of NATO. Can you imagine if they were?

    Georgia has been part of the 'coalition of the willing' in Iraq and so is considered a US ally.

    Georgia is strategic ground in the upcoming conflict in the middle east.

    There is a major pipeline that supplies oil to Europe where there are significant US strategic interests.

    The US is looked to by the world as the global policeman. Some might decry this but if they didn't step in, who would?

  2. The Georgian President thought he could compromise US strategic interests

    in furtherance of his own inter ethnic hatereds. He presumed to wag the bear's tail and let the US gather up the mess of his unwise foolish adventure  .. the bloke is a mut.

  3. I do wish the US would just back off and stop interfering in International issues.

    The EU has done an excellent job of brokering a cease fire here and the rhetoric coming out of Washington is aggressive and totally unproductive in calming the situation down.

    Its been good seeing the Russian army working alongside Georgian police today to prevent looting and restore order and all the US can do is criticise them for this.

    If only they would realise the world doesn't revolve around their way of thinking the world would be a lot peaceful place :)

  4. The Georgians are our allies.  Are you asking the same question about the EU, the French and other nations who are trying to stop this potential holocaust from happening.  America is doing exactly what it should be doing and if we were not you would be asking why we weren't.

    Russia may invade you next, you think you can protect yourself from them without the support of other world powers.  It should not be hard for you to figure out that Russia wants the oil access.

  5. Americans think they own the world with their dollar bills.  

  6. the stupid americans can't help themselves, they are so used to bully tactics and immoral wars these days.

    here's hoping the russians scare some sense into the yanks.

  7. I would hazard a guess that the oil pipeline in the region has more than a little to do with it!

  8. a nice big oil pipe ,,

  9. Nothing. Just an excuse for anti-Americans to start whining and blaming it on the USA since no other country can apparently be guilty of imperialism except the USA.

    Basically, if the USA intervenes, then its 'imperialism' and if it doesn't intervene its 'isolationist' and selfish. It can't win.

    Personally I blame Europe, a continent that is very good at xenophobia, starting wars, colonising and enslaving and then having the temerity to blame the big bad USA for everything and anything.

    I'm British btw.

  10. Actually, Georgia is one of our stronger allies.  In fact, they have more troops in Iraq (or had, they've been airlifted back to Georgia for this) than any other nation save Britain and the United States.

    They are also up for membership in NATO.

    It doesn't look real good for us if we can't protect or even help our allies.

    Secondly, Georgia is in control of a major oil pipeline that provides quite a bit of oil out of Asia to the rest of the world.  If Russia takes control of that pipeline, it could make oil and gas even more expensive for us in America.

    And there is one more possibility.  Now note its only a possibility, but its not too farfetched to be absolutely false.  That possibility is that Putin is now doing what Hitler tried to do; he is trying to take over Europe and eventually the world.

    Even if he is not intent on going that far, it would appear that Putin wants to re-establish the power the Soviet Union once had.  America already has to worry about China as a superpower, but China at least depends greatly on us for their economy.  They don't actually want to destroy us.

    Russia, on the other hand, if it gets enough power may be willing to play the Cold War game again.  More than anything, I believe that is what Bush is trying to avoid.

    Too bad he got us stuck in Iraq; we no longer have the manpower to threaten anyone.  Diplomacy is good, but usually works much better if there is a credible threat behind it.  We currently don't have one, and that is directly related to Bush taking us into Iraq.


  12. See  for the true picture. Americans are being fed a load of c**p via the mainstream media.

  13. Georgia started the conflict, and they are an ally of the USA's.

  14. Here we go again with George the loony. Oh well! I suppose his friend Gordon will send more British troops to die in the cause of American greed and their aspirations to world dominance !

  15. It affects American interests.. (The Oil)

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