
What has Hillary Clinton accomplished that qualifies her or would motivate people to vote for her?

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concerned and undecided




  1. Not one d**n thing ...

  2. Sadly, we don't vote for candidates because of their qualifications.  We vote for the best looking candidate, or one who speaks well and says the things we want to hear.  The candidate who spends the most money wins 90% of the time, what does that suggest to you?

    That being said, Hillary is not a completely unaccomplished woman.  She was a president's wife for 8 years and, according to Republicans, she was the real brain of the administration.  (In fact it seems hypocritical of Republicans to accuse her of running the Clinton administration for two terms, and then now to say she has no experience! 8^)  )  She's worked out as a senator, I mean you might not agree with what she's done but she's shown she has her own ideas and doesn't take any guff from anyone.  She's very smart and savvy and has good political sense.

    Ask the same question about GW Bush in 2000.  One and a half terms as governor in a very weak-governor state, really no more than a figurehead.  He'd never succeeded in anything in his life, in fact he'd never made an honest dollar in his whole life!  He couldn't answer questions, he would say 'I don't need to know about that, I can hire someone who knows about that'.  He could hardly put a sentence together.  In fact his ignorance and incuriosity were his chief selling points!

  3. she is the Anti-Christ  and we would be right back to where we were when she and bubba  left office.

  4. Though I'm not a big Hillary fan, back when she was First Lady, she worked very hard to bring about dialogue and legislation to improve the state of health care in this country.  She was crucified by Bill's political enemies.  I give her credit for trying to tackle this instead of some nice, safe, fluffy "first-lady" type cause.

    (Personally, I like Obama)

  5. what motivates people to vote for her is her fake southern accent she puts on when she goes to the south and telling the public she doesn't steal money for her campaign (when she really does)

  6. I am wife of ex-President.

    While I was in Arkansas, I ran the state education program into the toilet.

    I helped scam old people out of their life savings with the Whitewater scheme.

    I have a big list of things I will do but you can afford none of them.

    I assaulted a sitting president and was not arrested.

    I interned for Robert Truehaft, chief counsel to the Communist Party USA.

    I turned a proposed national healthcare plan into an utter debacle. I did the country a favor

    by s******g it up so badly that it failed miserably.

    I worked full time for 8 years putting out bimbo eruptions.

    You are still looking for the 200,000 NEW JOBS I promised to bring to Western New York State.

    Want more?

    I ran a criminal enterprise to scam millions from contributors through Chinese money launderers.

    I had a photo op and numerous meetings with a DNC campaign fund raiser Jorge Cabrara who is a convicted drug ringleader.

    I was in charge of throwing out the employees of the travel office and hiring family friends and relatives.


    The only thing I have ever run is my mouth.

    "Clearly I am the best thing that ever happened to Republicans because I am representing everything that you're against."

  7. She approves of adultery, has become very rich by dubious means and is a self-confessed lawyer. How can she fail to attract voters?

  8. Apparently marrying into power gives you 17th century England.

    I don't believe she has done anything that really qualifies her to be the president.

  9. Hillary has accomplished staying married to Bill so she can ride his coattails into the Whitehouse.

  10. She has never accomplished anything. She attempted to s***w up the healtcare system as first lady. She ran for senator in New York because she knew it was the only state crazy enough to vote for her. She's done nothing there but ignore responsibilities; it was just to set up her run for president. The ONLY reason that she is popular is because she is a woman. Nobody can deny that. If she was a man she would be one of the lower tier candidates because all of them have accomplished as much if not more than her.

  11. bash, bash, bash. Don't you people ever get tired? What qualifies ANYONE to be president? NO ONE except those who've had the job have any real idea what it's about and they can't re-apply. Hillary at least has a former president to give her some idea. PULLeassse.

  12. Pretty much nothing...

  13. She has done nothing to qualify her a vote, she stole money, White water scandal, flip floped on issues Iraq war and she's a senator.  The most worthless of all, all they do is work on their campaign for their next election.  There's no real stand out this year, but the media is trying hard to push Hillary on us...

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