
What has Iran ACTUALLY DONE to merit sanctions?

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It has criticised Israel and called it names. Is that against the law?

Supposedly it is lending support to Shite's in Iraq fighting the US. But Saudi Arabia has done much much more against us, including kicking us out of their country after we've protected them since WWII and I don't hear anybody calling them names or screaming for Saudi sanctions. Now even Iraq is asking us to leave.

Our foriegn policies in the area haven't matured since WWII, but the people of the area have. they resent our support of Israel and who can blame them after what Israel has done to what used to be a friendly and relatively peaceful region? Our own CIA reports that Iran is NOT building nuclear weapons.

So what has actually occurred to warrent our chest thumping contest with Iran? (Please try to be logical and refrain from calling Iranians Terrorists. That term has worn itself out)




  1. It has failed to allow international control of its nuclear programs, as it is obliged to do under treaty.

  2. Digging his own graveyard.

    Opening his big mouth with cheap-skate ghostly stories with self lack of knowledge.

    In scaring little children on "Wiping Israel off the map"

    Do not even know how to solve the misery of Palestine -Israeli internal conflicts.

    When it's only faulty education and communication system with lost of identity.

    Now little children want money-back guarantee from him?

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  3. Iran is supplying arms and insurgents to Iraq and Afghanistan.  I don't know where you get your news from, but even the far left media contends that Iran is trying to build nuclear weapons.

  4. It's not so much what Iran did as what the Iranian government did. The people of Iran are only guilty of revolting against a totalitarian, corrupt monarch backed by the west. In favor of a totalitarian, corrupt "president" backed by the s**+'a community.

    The Iranian government is guilty of suppressing and terrorising the people of Iran, going as far as promoting programs of racial cleansing against Jews and Christians (yes we can thank religion for all sorts of wonderful things), and an repeatedly threatening to destroy Israel. He is also a holocaust denier and countless murders and tortures have been carried out under his orders.

    The Iranian people are sufferieng under this régime, as government control seeks to expand and potential opposition is destroyed by a paranoid government.

    So, it's a mistake to be sanctioning the whole of Iran, when we should only be sanctioning the Iranian government and government-backed organisations.

  5. Nothing.  

    They've been accused of a lot, but accusations are a dime a dozen, in all directions.  The US has been accused of supplying arms and insurgents to every country and two bit dictator in the middle east at one time or another, and probably has.  

    The accusation that they are developing nukes was originally  made by a group of Marxist Iranian terrorists, who participated in the revolution against the Shah, only to defect to Iraq when the revolution did not develop along the lines they expected.  They helped Saddam carry out some of the atrocities he was later accused of, then later became "informers" for the Americans against the new Iranian regime, in return for American support.  

    Yes, the US was perfectly willing to support a terrorist group, so long as they were making the correct mouth noises against the proper political target of the day.

    I think the US maintains a belligerent attitude against Iran strictly as an excuse to further it's own agenda of military dominating the region for its own purposes.  

    This is why the US insists on demanding that Iran unconditionally suspend uranium enrichment as a precondition for negotiations.  Because they know Iran has a perfect right to enrich uranium, and will not acquiesce to such an unreasonable demand.  And so the standoff can be maintained indefinitely.  And can be used to justify any sort of military adventure.

  6. Larry, you need to educate yourself on a number of points.  You might want to start here:   At that site the Iranians themselves will tell you what is wrong in Iran.  Another good source is Amil Imani - he is a reknowned scholar, writer, and political commentator who fled Iran. He writes weekly on the issues in Iran and its conflicts with the international community.  

    It is a matter of documentation that Iran is training and arming insurgents and sending them into Iraq to hurt not only coalition efforts but the efforts of Iraq to build a viable government for itself.  It isn't just US opinion but the knowledge of the UN.  Iran has a vested interest in Iraq's not succeeding, for its own political reasons which are directly tied to radical Islam.

    Your sense of the history of Israel leaves much to be desired.  You have some strange ideas there. . . not sure where to begin.  Except to say that Muslims' objection to Israel is based upon religion/ethnocentricity and not history - that is a ruse.

    Our CIA reported several months back that there was no current evidence that Iran was not yet building nuclear weapons. However, a few weeks afterward, the U.N.'s own inspectors disagreed, voicing concern that Iran's nuclear "energy" program had indeed turned into building weapons.  Since then, Iran has admitted beginning research into building nuclear weapons, and has pretty much thumbed its nose at the international community.  

    In addition to the insurgent and nuclear weapons issues . . . Iran has an enormous problem with violations of human rights.  This is true also of other countries to be sure.  However, Iran has been very vocal in terms of defying the international community standards with impunity.  This combined with its other problems, and with Ahmadinejad's open threats not only to the US and Israel but to other Middle Eastern countries, poses a big problem for stability in the world.   There is a 30-year history now of Iran stirring up trouble in the Middle East and with the West. . . the rest of the world has been very patient.

    It is also common knowledge in the Middle East, and well-documented, that Iran has its hands in Hamas and the PLO, in terms of funding and logistical support,  and in terms of training suicide bombers.  This is objectionable to much of the Middle East which is interested in bringing peace to the region.

    The US isn't in any "chest thumping" contest with Iran.  To now, the sanctions on Iran have come directly from the UN - regardless of US support.  It would happen whether or not the US was in the picture.

    In short - although you seem to think Iran doesn't warrant sanctions, the rest of the world disagrees with you.

  7. Once again the answer is the oil that the US wants to control. Iran has it. The US wants it.

    As far as I know there is something to do with Iran trading in Euros instead of dollars, as Iraq did, and also apparently there is some massive pipeline in that area that the US wants to have or maintain. I am not sure of the details.

    The other stuff about Iran being a threat and saying mean things about Israel is largely american propaganda to gain popular support for whatever insane action crazy george and co want to start.

    Iran has been threatened by Israel adn the US, so naturally it has to build its defenses to ward of an attack. Iraq disarmed instead, and look what happened there. Iraq complied with the destruction of its weapons, and when US intelligence was sure the arsenals were cleaned out, as verified by weapons inspectors, in went the troops for an easy victory.

    What is happening now in Iraq is not a war but an illegal occupation with a civilian resistance movement. Most occupying powers historically have lost in these situations, as the US is doing now in iraq and Afghanistan.  

  8. Giving aid to the people that are fighting the US troops in Iraq is more than is needed to show the merit. The Saudi government has not none this.

  9. In my humble opinion its because Iran in 06 started asking for euros as payment for oil instead of the dollar.   Bad for the US dollar as a leading world currency.

  10. Iran is a terrorist state, run by terrorists for terrorists.

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