
What has John McCain said in response to Iraq's call for a timetable?

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Just curious... Obama has been calling for a timetable for years now. Iraq's government recently asked for a timetable. Previously, McCain was opposed to the idea.




  1. We can now have a timetable because we have WON the war. Obama's call for a timetable would have been surrender.  

  2. He is still opposed, as it is the bulk of his platform. He says that 'he knows Maliki,' and that Maliki doesn't want a timetable per se. It's on CNN from a month ago....very strange...since Maliki had just stated that he agrees with Obama and wants a timetable.

  3. He'll probably say it was his idea, and take credit for its usual...

  4. Calling for a "Timetable" are you frigging kidding me?

    How about get the h**l out now?

    Just the fact that people will accept that line of bull says a lot, it says they are going to continue to roll over and play dead while the criminals in charge sell their country from under their feet.

    Obama wants to take them out of Iraq, only to put them in PAKISTAN? and continue the sham war of terror.

    Will you people ever learn?


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