
What has McCain done about US jobs moving overseas during his 26 years in Washington?

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What has McCain done about US jobs moving overseas during his 26 years in Washington?




  1. Clinton voted for it !

  2. He probably threw them a going away party.

    In 2005 McCain voted against repealing the tax subsidies for certain domestic companies which move manufacturing operations and American jobs offshore.  Both Obama and Biden voted to end the tax subsidies.

    McCain does not care about the American worker.

  3. the same thing clinton done but mccain did not have the power clinton had

  4. We would not want to blame the real guilty ones now would we. THE UNIONS Period all FACTS the very best friends of the democratic party and the second largest contributor and they have Obama on record to help Unionize more companies...bye bye more jobs

  5. He has continuously voted to support the Republican plan of giving tax breaks to companies that move their jobs overseas.

    That is ALL he has done, that and support Bush 95% of the time!

    One more time---



  6. I don't know, all I know is Obama has DONE NOTHING at all!   He was not even a good community organizer.    Obama could not even decide between yes and no on 130 bills over the year in the senate.   Obama would S u c K as a leader!  VOTE FOR McCain/  Palin!  

    Democrat For McCain!

    Obama is good friends with BILL BOMBER AYERS!  YUCK!

    Patriot over Anarichist!

  7. Nothing, and it's getting worse.

  8. What? He's been in the senate for only 4 years, dude.

    And nothing, of course!

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