
What has Obama accomplished ON HIS OWN for this country?

by  |  earlier

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Where he went to school and what he did in school doesn't count either!!




  1. NOTHING.. and he is a nothing & will remain so..

  2. Not much - and it looks like he didn't even get into college on his own or pay for it - Saudi terrorists did!


  3. uuummmmm..............

  4. McCain was born into privilege. He flunked the Naval Academy but was accepted in because of his daddy. He collaborated with the commie Vietnamese to gain special treatment. He dumped his wife and 3 kids for a rich woman who gave him his first and only job as a salesman for her beer distributorship and he was a failure, so she bought him a seat in Congress. What has McCain done ON HIS OWN!

  5. Everything that ****** ever got was handed to him on a silver platter.

  6. 1.





    Can't think of anymore.

  7. Nothing YET!

  8. The answer to that question is above my pay grade.

  9. I can see you know very little about the man so why even bother?

  10. What has obama accomplished in this country on his own?  By not picking somebody as dumb and airheaded to be his VP, unlike John McCan't!!  

    Gobama '08!!  lol hehe :)

  11. The Republican Ticket: Sarah Palin as Roseanne Barr and John McCain as Admiral James Stockdale

    TALK ABOUT THE BLIND LEADING THE BLIND!!!! Sorry to destroy the Republicans’ frail sanity with a reality check. Can you say, “Alice In Wonderland”?  GOD must testing you with the Palin pick

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