
What has Obama accomplished that gives him experience?

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He has nothing in his resume. Even his own VP and Hilary stated Mccain's accomplishments and then state that Barack has a speech from 2002. I am hearing all this talk about inexperience about Mccain's VP, yet she seems to have more than the Dem's first person on the ticket. By the way, she is the no. 2 on the ticket and everybody keeps comparing her to the Dems. no1. This doesn't say much for him.




  1. Nothing, nothing important

  2. Well, he wasn't born into a wealthy family so he has actually had to WORK for what he has. And he is more in touch with the average American as opposed to a lot of the rich mucky mucks we have to choose from. He also had to deal with racism and intolerance. You don't actually think it was easy growing up in a bi-racial family in the 50's-60's in the middle of Kansas, do you?

    So maybe he hasn't been rubbing elbows with the old boys club as long. But he'll get there. Besides - politics is a lot of butt sucking and schmoozing. How much experience do you think it actually takes?

    Aside from which, are you guys actually that naive to believe that presidents don't have help and advisors with more experience?

  3. Zero, Nada, Nil, Nothing, Zilch............

  4. Sen Obama is not qualified,  

  5. Don't Underestimate him!

    He has done alot!  Well, not for the good of the country or anything like that.  He's gotten into some real estate deals, met a real nice pastor, associated and been on Boards with a saboteur and he's given some really great speeches.

    Job wise as a Senator?  He's voted "present...but no vote" lots of times.  The couple times he did vote was on bills pushing socialism.

  6. Take experience off the table, it is a non-issue.

    The thing to consider is...what can Obama accomplish as our President.  I believe he made it very clear what he intends to do and I believe he will do what he says.



    I did the work for you.

  8. Ok. I think this whole "Obama has no experience" thing is way over worked. It's getting old. Just like John McCain. And that's why McCain shouldn't be president!  

  9. no it does not he is senator of illinois which does not give him experience mcCain was a politician when obama was born

  10. He's an articulate black man with an education.

    That's about it.

  11. obama is a good speaker and i agree with it. but he will not follow everything that he says, trust me. LIke basic health care, where is he gona get all that millions of dollars????????? US which he will then raise taxes and or make u pay more some how, thats why im not a supporter of obama. these are the facts.

  12. Check his voting record and that will tell you his accomplishments. On the other hand check McBush voting record and his judgments of VP and that will make Obama a president!

  13. He gives great speeches. Is a trained debater. Besides that he is empty hot air and has done NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING...

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