
What has Obama done for unborn children?

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I have never seen Obama do anything for Children. What mother or father would vote for a fancy pants lawyer like him who doesn't even care about unborn children. The guys in it for the fame. That isn't fair to the young people that are misguided by his good speaking skills.




  1. Wow.

    I never realized underdeveloped fetusus were now considered a "protected class" of citizens with full-fledged rights as actual living beings.  Perhaps now the Republican Party & Evangelical Christian churches can start registering future "unborn children" in the Selective Service System while still inside their mothers' wombs since we all well know that is their ultimate goal:  "Bare your children so we can send 'em off to die in war in some third-world wasteland."  That's pro-life for you, ladies and gentlemen.

    I won't even bother wasting my time repeating scientific arguments that refute anti-choice dogma about life beginning at conception since the anti-choice crowd is not exactly accepting of hard science.  Also, if they are going to use Biblical Scripture as validation for their assertions, they have failed miserably.  Not one single passage directly addresses abortion whatsoever.

    By the way, murder is a LEGAL term defining the act of the willful taking of another LIVING human being.  Therefore, termination of a pregnancy does not constitute murder.  Good grief that was so simple...Next!

  2. Like danometer said life begins at birth so technically that's not murder. I'm not saying I agree or disagree with it, but he has a point.

  3. What have children done for Obama?

    Stop expecting once person to fix all your problems, as if the president or any of his decisions actually affect you or you kids directly.

    breathe a bit and calm down, realize that government doesnt care about you or your kids, and its up to you to raise them properly and not the system you put so much faith in to be more "role model" than yourself.

    Plus, unborn children are not important. 80% of unfertilized fetuses, also living, are flushed out every month during something called a period. The other 20% are straight up dead. Until birth, until your first breath that awakens collective conscienceness, you are just a carbon-based chunk of cells.

    Everyone needs to stop being so technical about all these issues that dont even concern them. Take care of your family, teach them good values and I'd bet you'll never run into anything that Obama or McCain is vowing to fix.

  4. Maybe he is pro-choice and not pro-life like you are.

    I care about unborn children.But at "the point of conception" it's a clump of cells...not a child...

    Anyways....good question to start a whole debate

  5. well all that stuff about making the world cleaner and making the economy betterr and not going to war are all pretty good things for kids to look forward too. i hate right wing morons like you, all you do is bash on obama, there are vertually no questions about how bad of Prez mc cain would be but all i see on yahoo answers is obama bashers. shut up

  6. hey, how many kids do u have and what do you do for a living? If you don't already know, life is hard enough alone, so imagine having yet another mouth to feed. That's why so many ppl go on government assistance or why so many kids are put up for adoption. Not saying that abortion is good but it shouldn't be eliminated as an option. The government shouldn't make a decision for a woman, after all, women fought for the right for some time. The parent or parents are the ones who will have to provide for the child in all aspects of life, not the president...and we already know how many kids in America are in foster care...and how do many of them turn out? We already know how many homeless people there are in America and what shelters are like, right? Why bring a child into a world that you're not ready to introduce them to?

    Stop hating and wake u have room, money, time, and commitment to raise the children of the U.S? Now multiply that a million times if abortion is eliminated...

    McCain is saying what the public wants to hear. He doesn't sound sincere.

  7. Abortion is the worlds only sure weighloss method.

    Why did you mask your religious propaganda BS, in a question on yahoo answers.

    I really do not care what people do. If my girlfriend was said  "Hey I am pregnant" I would be l like "I am going to warm up the car, do you think the clinic is open this late. Uhhh if it isn't we can wait outside."

    Their are already to many of those little b******s running around from people that shouldn't have them anyway.

  8. what do you mean???  i am catholic and care for unborn children (even if i wasn't catholic) and if he doesn't care about unborn children, then i would totally think twice about voting for him (if i could) and it's alive once concieved!!!!!!!!!!!!!  i don't care what you other ppl say!!!

  9. I don't want to get into the ethics discussion, it's a horrible situation, but it's all about money. Everyone wants to save children but that makes taxes go up. That makes voters vote for someone else. How much should come from your pocket for these children? If you don't want to cough up $ don't point fingers, you're guilty too.

  10. Genesis 2:7, "Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being." Notice: the Breath of Life was not given while He was forming Man, but after He FORMED Man.  AFTER BIRTH. As it was with Adam, so it is with all mankind.

    The Bible clearly states that Life begins at birth. Only those who stand to gain political power (at the risk of their souls) would bear false witness against the Word of God and say "the Bible says Life begins at conception".

  11. Abortion, once again, isn't the answer, it's the question. And it should be left up to individual/parents. Nobody is saying they want to kill a child. I'm not even a big fan of Obama, but provide a quote that states that he encourages Abortion? Obama is Pro-choice, which means the right to choose.

    And life doesn't begin at the moment of conception like some churches have you believe. They start off as cells in the beginning. The Church use to (or still) believe the Earth is center of universe. Is that true?

    Speaking of which, what about Bush? What is he trying to do for women when he attacks the use of Birth Control?

  12. up to now I have not heard of anything positive; all I hear is I am for change, blah, blah, blah and attacks anything McCain states.  Sadly, many are falling for his charlatan ways; all he has done is "used" other--better prepared or more experienced politicians to clarify any words that truly show who he (Obama is) "he meant...." "he was trying to say..." and such; he uses them to present him (Obama) in a better light after he  puts his foot in his mouth.  Now he is trying to get an old experienced politician to "add" some experience to his side for he lacks so much when it comes to the political world.  .  

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