
What has Obama run effectively in the past 16 years?

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...besides his mouth of course.




  1. His Presidential Campaign is what you have in front of you,Evaluate that!This is one of the most exciting Political Campaigns in History what else do you need!Don't under estimate Obamas Skills because you may not like him!Hillary under estimated Obama look what happened.Must learn from situation. Taken personnel feelings at and use your good Judgment! Hillary & Obama have similar agreements on issue much closer than McCain's!


    Ebony & Ivory Presidency!

  2. he may have effectively ran from the cops when he was a yout!

  3. His pursuit of the next job.

    McCain/Palin '08

  4. Nothing.

    Zero executive experience.

    Oh, wait a minute. He was a  . . .  community organizer ???


    Oh yes, inflate your tires.

  5. Maybe a lemonade stand in his front yard.

  6. Huey Kablooey

  7. his campaign....straight into the ground.

  8. Nada darn thing.

  9. you even know what a community organizer does? Does the word "ORGANIZE" have a synonym?

    And how about the most efficient political campaign history has yet seen, as acknowledged by supporters and detractors alike?

    And how about the most effective fund raising organization ever seen, too. (Can't find the source any more, but someone did a study of money raised across time and found the Obama's campaign has raised more money in the least amount of time of any organization in history).

    Meanwhile, 1.) What has McCain "run"? He's been a politician his entire career. 2.) Do you know how a town of 6500 is "run"? Or even how a Senator's or Governor's office is run, especially in the first few years of tenure? They are run by perennial bureaucrats who know the ropes and coach the new leader--at least for a while.

    That's a fact. It even happens with the presidency, for a while. It is the people around the person who does the real "running," my naive cohort, not the person him or herself.

  10. He's recently effectively run a campaign against two of the greatest poloticians in our country and won. he done that by being better organized and raising more money. If he can do that for our country he'll leave us with a surplus.

  11. Might ask that same question about Reagan to Li'l Bush.  Outside of feeding the Super Rich at the public trough, what did they accomplish to expand the freedoms of the American people??????

  12. besides his mouth, not a freakin thing.

  13. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to run a campaign and win? And get 38 million people to watch you? And get your former opponent to say 'forget everything negative I said, you are what this country needs.' As far as I'm concerned, Obama has PROVEN that he's ready for the job. EDIT: And his team of people are also extremely smart and capable.

    We are going for the unknown versus the bad. This has been mentioned several times. The fact is, McCain will be a bad president. There is no question. He could be stupider than Bush. He wants 100 more years of war and yet in an interview calls Iraq a peaceful and stable country?? What an idiot...

    Obama has his morals straight, has been VERY specific with what he is planning on doing, and it looks like it will WORK. If McCain wins I'm actually considering moving to another country. 9/11 happened VERY close to me and where I live. I'm not risking my life for another president.

  14. Nothing, he clearly doesnt wear the pants at home.

  15. the basketball court

  16. Excellent question.

    I am failing to find an answer.

    His campaign isn't run by him, so that one has to be taken away.

    I am looking forward to seeing what answers are out there :)

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