
What has Senator Obama done on his own as far as Leadership in Congress since 2005?

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I saw this link on another persons question trying to build up Senator Obama's name. My question is what has Senator Obama done as a Leader in congress without being watched over by senior congress men? Yes he helped get some bills through the grinder to become laws, along with teams of congress men that he is jr to, but what has he done to say hey Jim vote for me, I can lead this Country? Please some one tell me without calling me a Republican and make a Joke out of my Question.




  1. Given how bad things are going, under Bush.......I'd be HAPPY to find out that Obama had no part in it.

    Your question sucks.    Quit reading right wing blogs and you might find some real information.

  2. omg people need to stop trying influence people and gain votes for his favorite candidate,

    some people think Obama is right some people think Mccain is right, deal with it stop trying to persuade people over the internet,

    most of them are not old enough to vote so that wont even matter.

  3. As far as I know NOTHING

  4. NOTHING ! ! ! ... Your Link is a Pro-Obama Site !! ... Yippee .. NOT !!!

    Obama is going to give our sovereignty over to the United Nations through his Global Poverty Act (S.2433).

    Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than Obama.


  5. Hopeless truly hopeless

    This link says it all yet you find something to complain

    does it NOT show that he has passed bills, worked across party lines

    Look at the record again and let us know what the new VP has done compared to him and truly tell us SHE has more experience than OBAMA or got more votes than Biden...not 569 (approx) to 74,000 (approx)

    Very very few  can do anything in congress ALONE  there is code and yet another reason why he wants to change things ...this is what he means...change how things are done...means getting bills passed and bills read without lobbyists having ANY say....that's what he means about change. too many good men and women from EITHER side are drowned out by the 'good old boys club" Time to change so bills can get read, passed or tossed out but at least be heard!!

    He did many good things in short time....shows he tried and kept trying even with his hands tied by the same old politics as usual

    says volumes

    See....the issues were for the people

  6. crickets.mp3

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