
What has Vietnam done to make life easier and better for its citizen?

by Guest64831  |  earlier

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What has Vietnam done to make life easier and better for its citizen?




  1. Of all the things that the Vietnam government has done to make life easier for it's citizens, the one thing that sticks out over anything else is Đổi Mới (renovation), which is when the communist government of Vietnam essentially abandoned the central (communist) controlled economy for a market economy in 1986.

    Vietnam’s central controlled economy was a complete failure. Vietnam's economy was in shambles, due partly to the Vietnam War but mostly to the ignorance of the communist leadership at the time who had no practical knowledge of how to build and maintain a country’s economy. Instead, they invaded and controlled Cambodia as well as controlled Laos. Being an aggressor nation strained Vietnam’s economy till it broke and become completely dependent on economic support from the Soviet Union, who was going through economic hardships as well. Adding to all this was Vietnam’s version of the baby boom.

    More than 60% of the Vietnamese today were born after the Vietnam War. This generation would need jobs when they become adults, but Vietnam economy was not creating them. Communist supported ideas, such as earlier retirement age and economic migration, were initiated but these efforts cause more problems than solved. By the mid 80’s, even the most stubborn communist in Vietnam had to admit that their central controlled economy was not working and there was no choice but to convert to a market economy.

    Vietnam has experienced unprecedented wealth and prosperity since Đổi Mới was enacted. Vietnam was inducted into the WTO and received normal trade status with the United States this year. Vietnam’s economy is the second fastest growing economy in Asia and one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The Vietnamese are experiencing more freedom as the still communist controlled government progressively loosens it’s grip. It would be a tough argument to find a better time to live in Vietnam than right now.

  2. As the government nothing really but a bunch of smoke.

    they put up this nice facade to look good to other countries but its all a fake.  Have any one gone out to the county side lately.  they still live in huts with no hot water no electricity no nothing. do people know that 100 dollar in America can feed a family of 4 in Vietnam for a month. so can you imagine the pain they go through. Also so many of them have relatives over seas that help them out. I know many families in America send money to their relatives in Vietnam. also many families in other countries too.  Think about it if you have 20 relative living in other countries and all of them send you 20 dollars a month that equals to 400 dollars. can you imagine how much money that is for them they don't even have to go out and work just spend the money that comes to them each month and to us 20 dollars a month is not that much, we spend that much for a dinner and a movie for one day if not more. with that much money they really don't need a full time job or even a high paying one.  100 dollar in America is equal to 1,603,450.00 Dong, with 100 dollar we can all be millionaires.   :)

  3. Many things, Viet Namese government has to do to improve infrastructure, transportation ; education ; living standard....ect...

    But, at the present, almost Vietnamese citizen enjoys their life and the peaceful, safe society. So do I.

  4. Same as 90% off all other countries,built Schools hospitals roads ect, tries to improve road safety,puts pressure om major corporations to improve there goods,for example increasing speed of adsl,the list is endless and i would need hours to answer.

  5. I'm no where in favor of communism. However, people must  understand that the same people who strategically fought with the French and American and won the war, are now in charge of the economy in Vietnam. It'll take a next generation to turn Vietnam around to be one of the most profitable economic in South East Asia.

    Don't expect Vietnam to be another Singapore or Thailand anytime soon. However, give it time and with determination Vietnam will be a strong country in Asia. Vietnam doesn't get any helps from anyone but depends on itself. If any country was the war for years like Vietnam was, I'm not sure they'll do well as Vietnam in the last 10 years.  

    It's easy for anyone from the outside to criticize Vietnam. I'm on the other hand think Vietnam is doing a fantastic job considering all of the hardship and new for people who used to live underground to make the decision of how to win the war. Those same people who do not have MBA are now making the decision of how to compete with other countries in the surrounding area at the same time making profit and help its citizen.

    If Vietnam operates as a true communist country. I don't think it will allow anyone to invest in Vietnam. By allowing foreigners to invest, Vietnam heads to the right direction and helps to improve the lives of its citizen.

  6. stop corruptions at all level of the governments. Build the roads, hospitals, schools and educate people at urban area.

  7. I agree with the unnamed person below who submitted a long answer!  I was in Vietnam in 2004 and most of the people I saw were happy and extremely active in making a living.  Small business enterprises have sprung up everywhere and the country's economy has rocketed upwards along with others in South East Asia.  Years of peace have also given the country a chance to heal the scars of the 'American War' and have given everyone in the region a well-earned rest from the horrors of conflict and the hardships that war brings.  Membership of the World Trade Organisation will provide another step up for the hard-working people of this jewel of Asia.

  8. nothing really, they just let more foreign come in n run the country...while they sit on their *** and drink wine....of course they send their kids to college in the US so when they come back, they know a better way to take money from the people of Vietnam and do nothing...wasting money like crazy.....

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