
What has Wal-Mart and the Clinton's done for democracy or a FREE CHINA?

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Media reports of the day listed the COMMUNIST PLA woes of the early 1990's due to COMMUNISM'S historically proven failed economics and a nearly bankrupt central government. Boots for every other soldier, guns for half their men with only 5 BULLETS PER GUN, no real navy and precious little effective air forces. Command was antiquated as were communications, nuclear capacity and field armor with moral was tanked due to nonpayment of salaries throughout the conscripted service of the P.L.A. The student uprising of 1989 by unarmed citizens seeking FREEDOM nearly defeated the PLA but was repelled with an excess of 10000 MURDERED students in the streets of China's capital. Point is, the people nearly won. 1994 saw the realization of the dream of capitalizing from tyranny while undermining freedom and avoiding living wages by a small group of Arkansas traitors when Clinton, acting as a WMT lawyer while President of the USA, extended "favored nation" trading status to the enemy of freedom.




  1. Are you claiming that Bill Clinton is responsible for paying slave wages to Chinese workers? A quick glance into history will show that the Bush family created its dynasty from its close ties with the Chinese and Saudi Arabian governments.

    WalMart's exploitation of Chinese workers is appalling, but I doubt that either the Bush family or the Clinton family had anything to do with that; WalMart saw an opportunity to get goods produced 'on the cheap' and took advantage of it so they could reap billions in profits from American consumers who "need" all the plastic junk WalMart sells.

    I'm not persuaded by your argument; I suspect you have inaccurate facts, misinformation, or distortions all designed to poison people's minds against WalMart and the Clintons.

    Arrogance, avarice, and hubris has set in; Americans are slothful, greedy, materialistic people who have been misled by pompous, self-serving politicians for the past sixty years. What's your point?  -RKO-  10/08/07

  2. Did your tinfoil hat fall off? Did you stop taking your meds? Get therapy before you hurt yourself.

  3. A free China does not concern me and The government of china is not our enemy for the time being.

    Although it is dangerous for them to be making all of our products giving that they would go to war with us in a second if we crossed them.

    Sadly it wasn't just Clinton that did this, Bush and a lot of other politicians has hands in this as well.

  4. Did you not notice that the people of China are slowly gaining more freedom? Their economy is growing and so are their personal wealth? That their government is growing more corrupt and weaker all the time? This is due to the most favored trade status and to a lesser extent to Wall Mart. this is how the people of China will gain their freedom.Yes it was a shame what happened at Tienanmen square. But don't forget Young's Town Ohio where American student,s where killed under a republican administration. Nothing or no one is perfect.Maybe we should have invaded China is that you opinion? The only way to defeat the Communist is to use their fear of their people against them.They can not stop what has started. And they are losing their grip on the government.As the people get richer they buy corrupt official,s and gain more freedom. Never before has the people been allowed to own property but look now they can!! What would you do differently?? What have you done to help??

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