
What has a mouth but does not speak? what has a bed but does not sleep? what has banks but no money?

by  |  earlier

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it is a riddle of which I speak.




  1. A river.

    "what has a mouth but does not speak?" the first part of the river.

    "what has a bed but does not sleep?" the edge of the river.

    what has banks but no money? a river bank.

  2. a river

    the mouth of a river

    the bed of the river

    the river bank

  3. its a river :) i love riddles

  4. A RIVER!!!

    ~Peace & Love~

  5. dont you love when someone answers the question right, then ppl still feel the need to answer it with the same exact answer the ppl/person ahead of them answer'd...

  6. a river

    Very clever, took me a while to figure out


  7. River.

  8. Its a river...

    What comes after Christmas??


  9. river

  10. a river?

  11. a river. If that is right, something you should do is add what has a source with no info

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