
What has africa done?

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What has africa done?




  1. invented AIDS

  2. Africa has spread AIDS to almost every African, been responsible for numerous Genocides, and habitually try to fraud people on the Internet.

  3. For itself?

    Very little.

  4. gave up it's strongest people to build the American cotton and cane industries?

    provided much of the world's diamonds, gold, copper and uranium

    gave us Jazz, OK in a roundabout sort of way

  5. 1. Created life.

    First signs of modern man are in East Africa.

    2. Provided resources for the Western world to develop. The West raped our land and used it for their own development. Slaves were the foundation of agriculture. Our land, our gold and diamonds were the capital for 18th century industry.

    Dont even get me started.

    Edit: invented AIDS? Isnt that a contraditction. Invented? with which resources? Only the west has research labs that could "invent" anything of the sort.

    Why are people so ignorant and vindictive.

    Conentrate on your own messed up countries and continents.

  6. Who knows.

  7. Well...they likely gave Earth the human being.
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