
What has become of the school system? Why all this propaganda in classes?

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"Nancy Pelosi has greatly demonstrated her sheer use of power as Speaker of the House, it's truly amazing." -- PoliSci teacher GLORIFYING Nancy Pelosi. (Who DOES that?)

"Iraq didn't go as planned, ever since Bush was elected the economy has died, etc, etc." -- Other teacher. They give Bush too much credit, a President can't single handily destroy an economy that easily, and since when does the liberation of a country ever go as planned?

"Why do Republicans hate Hilary Clinton?" I know you're questioning our motives, but do you really have to ask? She's really that scary.

What's become of the world? Why all this political madness?




  1. Well if u ever find the answer to that one, let us all know cause I have no idea..

  2. Its been awhile since I have been in a class room, but from what I hear students say, the schools are teaching pure socialism.

    American public school system is being turned into the new indoctrination center, where all the schools are now connected, via the internet. China is only a mouse click away. Why teach American history, in this new era of cultural diversity.

    The democrat party and the Queen Bee, Nancy Pelosi, reins supreme. She is the watchdog for Obama. The democrats will make sure that the NEA will remain in charge of  school curriculums and only teachers who have a liberal standing in the community will get TENURE regardless of their competency.

  3. The n***s new it, the commies new it, the religious fanatics new it, and now the liberals and left wing loons know it.

    To get people to swallow your insane garbage you have to rape their minds when they're too young and naive to know what's going on.

    A big Zig Hiel to the new liberal youth

  4. idk, last year my teacher preached about how much bush sucked, and another one had an entire unit on global warming, but other than that both teachers were really great and i learned alot. lesson learned: never take political advice from teachers theyre usually left wing nut jobs

  5. We have to stop teachers from grandstanding and making political speeches.  That isn't what we are paying them taxpayer money for.  

    Problem is, most school boards in the public school system are liberals.  

  6. First of all Pelosi doesn't have the balls to do anything Congress sits and sit without making a decision about anything like the war in Iraq.  The war didn't goes as planned however The Surge has worked and everybody has noticed even Obama who opposed it and still does, go figure.  The world has changed drastically and the liberals from the J.F.K era are not the same today.  We have entered into a new chapter of politically correctness that says we can't use terms like Jihad or terrorist because it is politically incorrect why, its beyond me.  The world has been drastically effected by Shari'a law and now the world wants to eradicate it and it starts with the world leaders such as the U.S, but we cannot do anything because Pelosi and her wave of Democratic stupidity just sit around and do nothing.  And Clinton will only cut military spending just as her husband did leaving the U.S vulnerable, because the world is like this.

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