
What has been more important to human history? Emotions or logic?

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First none is the sole property of gender. Both have the both. Cool down. And its about history.

The premise is emotions are inbuilt, all life form possesses it. Logic comes from experience and its acquired. Emotions gives desire to live but one can't live on without logic. Emotions can feed us only till mother's milk dries up. Historically, leaders revved up emotions in masses and cities were built and destroyed. For Roman senator and caesar, elocution was a must. Mark Antony won over Brute & company after his elegy to Julius caesar. But Augustus' logic defeated him. Hitler raised jingoism in his people and created a superpower in 7 years, logically won europe. But was defeated by his own emotions of invincibility.Churchilll uphold emotions of brits and helped them survive the blitz, but his military logic was poor and helped Hitler defeat them for 4 years. So, not at personal level but historically answer me. Even though in mammals we are the weakest, what made it possible for us humans to conquer land, oceans and air? Emotions or logic?




  1. Both.

    I'm more of a logic person, but without emotion we wouldn't have some of the greatest love stories of all time.

  2. sigh

    This is such a misguided question. What, in heavens name, leads you to think that ONE of the two is MORE IMPORTANT than the other?

    It's not the case that logic comes from xperience and is acquired -- or at least not entirely the case. We're hard-wired for it. (And there's a huge social and envrionmental component to what we feel under what circumstances.)

    Emotions give a desire to live, and are the motivating factor for everything we do. If we had no emotions, we'd die. We wouldn't bother doing anything.

    Historically, leaders have also appealed to logic.

    Elocution was a must, but so was logic. The idea of rhetoric as a study was that you make the logic of your position compelling to the hearers. Thus, as with everything else, the two are united, not in opposition.

  3. Both.

  4. Hey I like this question.  Very philosophical.  I suggest you try it in the appropriate forum.  You'll get better answers there.

    Just about all animals feel emotion, but few use logic.  The more advanced they are the more logical they must be.  Therefore it's reasonable to conclude that logic for the human species has been more important.  Well, more important as far as development of technology is concerned.  But as you indicated, emotions are often used to sway the masses, so you could say that emotions had an enormous effect on history.  Fear and security is currently being used by our leaders to steal our God given rights and freedoms.

    It almost seems to me that emotions are used more negatively and logic is used more positively. Very interesting.  Maybe this is why you posted this question in the gender forum.  Women are more emotional and men are more logical.  LOL  Are you trying to say that women are more evil?

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