
What has been the biggest surprise this nascar season for you?why?

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any surprises for you this 2008 season

for me it is tony stewart going to haas




  1. Dale Earnhardt Jr. I can't believe that he is doing so well with what is basically a completely new team. And I don't mean that in a bad way either. I thought it would take a season for them to sort things out, but they proved me wrong.

  2. Racing in the rain!

  3. haha i knew straitedge was gunna answer this :]

    ill go for whatever straitedge said haha interesting question :P

  4. The biggest surprise of the season for me is the way Dale Jr. has been carrying the Hendrick flag.  I can't believe that Gordon has no wins, and Johnson (who's now ahead of jr) has been kind of just OK this year.  

  5. David Regan

  6. Kyle Busch

    I'm not surprised he's won  a few.

    I am shocked at his domination. New team and new manufacture.

    Don't forget about Busch & Truck wins either.

  7. The biggest surprise to me has been Ford. I thought they were washed up last year. They have turned out to be very strong. I enjoy your questions and have not once heard you be rude to anyone else. Thanks.

  8. David Ragan's been the biggest surprise for me.

    Last year it seemed he hit anything and everything in sight, and was referred to by a somewhat outpoken driver(who shall remain nameless) as "a dart without feathers"

    He's come a long way..

  9. For me its JGR as a whole. Last year no one expected them to lose Stewart, now he's leaving at the end of this season and being replaced by Joey Lagono. I don't think anyone expected him to move up to cup this soon. And when they made the switch to Toyota everyone was talking of how hard of a transition it would be for them and how the would struggle. Well.... what is it 8? 9? victories in Cup later it has been anything but. And I'm not even going start on the Nationwide series.

  10. Biggest surprise, Joe Gibbs racing.  Wow, after Joe ‘retired’ from the Skins I thought he would ease Toyota into Nascar, I had no idea that he was planning to do this well.

  11. ganassi was expecting a big year for JPM and a big entrance in to nascar for dario instead they went backwards and even managed to lose darios team.

    team red bull huge improvements vickers is a chase contender and almedinger is getting top 10s  pretty big change for drivers who couldnt even make races last year

  12. stewart leaving gibbs  

  13. Marcos Ambrose because he finished higher this year in the #21 than any other driver that was in it and it was only his third Cup start.

    The car that surprised me the most was the #18. In one year it went from being at the bottom of the JGR barrel to the top. That switch really helped Gibbs out.

    The owner that surprised me the most is actually a future Cup series owner. I was shocked that Stewart joined with Haas and was going ot leave the #20 at the end of the year.

  14. Driver: Paul Menard

    Car: 15 Menards/ Vertis/ Johns Manville/ Energizer/ Super Clean Chevy

    Owner: Teresa Earnhardt, Dale Earnhardt Inc.

    2008 Surprise: Coke Zero 400 Coors Light Pole


    Paul Menard has always been one of my favorite drivers and always will be. I always liked him as a driver and always hoped that this weekend he would win or get the pole. And my my Daytona rolls around and BAM!! He get's the Pole Award.I jumped off the couch and I was doing the Darrell Waltrip Daytona Victory Dance haha. Everyone says Menard stinks, I think he is a great driver. I know one day he will win. I am very loyal fan and will always be a fan.

    By the way I started shaving and have shaped my sideburns just like Paul Menard so maybe he will win this year!!

    Go Paul Menard and the #15 Menards Team!!!

    Dale Earnhardt Inc fan Menard Fan and Truex Fan

    Sideburn Nation is now Rolling into town!


  15. Driver-Kyle Busch- After tearing up all those 5 cars. I never thought he would be so dominant.

    Car- 18-Good set up at any type of track.

    Surprises- Three champions Kenseth,Stewart,and Gordon with win total of a big fat 0

  16. Biggest suprise for me is Kyle Busch.  Never once even thought about him dominating the series.  Not a fan of the guy what so ever but I have to give credit where credit is due and he deserves every win he has gotten this year.  

  17. The biggest surprise is that among Matt Kenseth, Jeff Gordon, Tony Stewart, and Greg Biffle they all have not won a single race this year. While I thought Kyle Busch and Carl Edward would be good, I did not expect them to wih 8 and 5 respectively at this time.  

  18. (Driver)My biggest suprise this year Empress has been my favorite driver Kurt Busch and how he has had a terrible season to date.  David Ragan, he has really made a fan of him out of me.

    (Car) Definetly Toyota, they have dominated this year compared to last and also the Ford teams have been a welcome suprise to me this year.

    (Owner)GEM, they have improved bigtime. Kasey and Elliott have done really well. They are getting their program together.

    (Other) Ryan leaving Penske after alot of years with him. Kyle Busch's domination has been a suprise too. I knew he was good but dang this year he has owned Nascar.

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