I read alot about the U.S.A in R&S, I hear things like "Christian Nation", I hear about the really super fundamentalist areas and all sorts of things about god lovin' gun toting Americans(not my words, and no hate implied I've met plenty of Americans who were incredible people).. I hear very little about religion in Canada on here. I'm curious to hear all your perceptions and opinions about religion and belief in Canada. Do Americans consider Canada to be a godless nation? How is religion in Canada percieved by residents of the U.S.A?
What kind of experiences have you had with religious beliefs in Canada?
What kind of experiences have you had with non-believers in Canada?
Would you consider Canada to be more or less religiously inclined than the U.S?
Any thoughts are welcome.. but please no insulting each other, we are after all neighbours and I spent my life around tourists from the U.S. there are asshles and nice people in equal proportions on both sides of the border..