
What has been your favourite moment of the Olympic games so far?

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Mine would have had to have been that German weightlifter in the 105kg+ division whos wife died last year tragically. And he came out and on his last lift lifted 10kgs more than he has ever lifted to take the gold. His celebrations afterwards were fantastic!! To me that is what the olympics is about!




  1. my favorite moment was usain bolt in the 100m. It was unreal and watching that magnificent talen is extraodinary. Not only did he destroy everyone and break the record, he celebrated w/ like 10m to go. Also watching him in the 200m was just as amazing.  

  2. When Sally McLellan first realised she had won the silver medal she was so funny to watch it was really heartwarming!

  3. When Shawn Johnson won the well deserved gold medal on the balance beam, which was her last event for the Olympics. She did such a great job in her other events and only scored silver, but she was able to finish well and come home with the gold.

  4. watching Jonathan Horton do his routine....b/c even though he's a straight male...he makes gymnastics an American sport...not a female sport...

    the olympics doesnt stereotype and I love that!!

  5. I forget her name... but she is the oldest gymnast in the competition and she is in the German team. She orginally competed in the Russian team. She found out that her son had lukemia, and couldn't find a clinic to treat her son so she turned to her friend, a German coach. SHe moved to Germany and got her son the treatment he needed, and competes in the German team.

  6. Aww that was so sweet when he pulled out that picture really a great moment. Many so far but the one that sticks out was during the swimming relay when Jason Lesack(sp?) caught up with the French team and the shocked look on their faces after talking all that smack.  

  7. the opening ceremony. that was amazing, especially the manual powerd typewriter thing and the human painting. so many ppl are saying how a couple things were fake in it. so what. it was still draw dropping.

    also when phelps got his eight gold and also when bolt won the 100 and also when shawn got her first gold.

  8. I've pretty much only watched the Baseball games.

  9. Misty May-Treanor stickin her super booty out for the Pres.

  10. And he held a picture of his departed wife on the podium.  Truly moving.  That ranks way up there.  

    And the butts in beach volleyball,  on a different level.

  11. Usain Bolt winning both the 100m and 200m races with flair and style.  He's made people care about track again.

    On the flip side, probably the most disappointing moment would be Liu Xiang's withdrawal from the 110m hurdles before his first race.  The whole nation was behind him and it's a shame that he wasn't able to compete.

  12. The opening ceremony, and I just sat there fascinated by the great show.  Every next sequence was an unexpected serendipity . . . and the 5000 years of culture encapsulated in 3 hours was a bonanza to a greater understanding of the Chinese civilisation.

    I love the way the "giant footprints" stomped towards the Bird's Nest stadium, as it gave the surrealistic effect of the world making its way to the show.  The 18,000 participants was perfectly synchronised to a devastating effect, hypnotising my full attention.

    Laura Bush's comments were" . . . . . unbelievably spectacular"

  13. I think the look on michel phelps face when the americans won the relay in swimming it was like :D!!!!!! i was so proud of him  

  14. I agree the German weightlifter's win was very special.

    My vote goes to the Aussie, Anna Meares for getting a silver in the cycling. Given that she had that dreadful accident earlier this year, but managed to push herself to recover in time for the Olympics is truly inspirational.

  15. Yeah Dave, I got chills watching that.

    I quite liked the 2008 drummers at the opening ceremony. Would've been awesome to be inside the stadium with that going off.

  16. The US beating out the French in the 400m relay in swimming.  

  17. The Dutch waterpolo team beating the americans.

    But yeez, the channel-7 coverage of the olympics is a shocker! especially this Raylene Boyle - nothing against her as a past athlete, but please don't let her comment on the athletics - i either feel sick or fall asleep! when she talks I feel like listening to some old grandma blabbing away.....

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