
What has been your greatest achievement in life?

by Guest33403  |  earlier

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What has been your greatest achievement in life?




  1. being in the position to help others.

  2. Over my life to date, I have saved the lieves of 12 people at various times.  Burning building, drowning etc.

  3. Becoming a teacher.

  4. my son! having him took me to a higher octave of love I would never have known any other way! A childs love is worth all the gold in the universe.

  5. with all these great answers i guess patting my head and rubbing my tummy aren't that great after all lol

    but it was at the same time

  6. Raising 5 responsible adults. Hopefully, I will die owing no one anything, and my wife financially secure - that will do.

  7. Answering your question.

  8. my son

    yes, mushy, but its true

  9. My beautiful baby girl due in late October. Alright I don't know if she is beautiful yet but

    a. All new babies are beautiful

    b. Obviously I will think mine is especially beautiful no matter what

    c. Her mom is a knockout so as long as she get's here mom's looks and dad's brains we will be fine.

  10. Climbing down from the coconut tree.

    Getting kick on the butts.

    Understanding what is community service.

  11. voting for Ron Paul in 08

  12. Avoiding being eaten by the system.

  13. staying out of prison and not paying any income tax for the last 22 years.

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