
What has been your learning in the discovery of your own existence...?

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  1. war expirience (4yrs)


  3. i'm influenced by so many things. gotta get the vibe right. the mojo.

  4. That I am capable of much greater things than I tend to accomplish. We all have plenty of extra aspects that tend to go unaddressed, we just live as we always have lived and don't take the time to look in the mirror or question the steps we take. If we do, we have the opportunity to take chances, which in turn gives us the ability to change. Nobody is totally happy with change - it makes us nervous and doubtful. It also can make our greatest dreams come to fruition.

    Taking a closer look at yourself, and trying to understand the image you see can lead to personal completion. Or at least put you ahead of the curve for once.

  5. The more I search my existence inside' me ' the More I am getting connected to Spirtuality . I  am now convinced that 'Door Lock' to Universe has the 'Key'  hidden inside us and once you clean up the clutter in your own mind every thing else looks so Clear and Beautiful.

  6. Humans are slaves, all of us.  There's not only David Icke saying that those at the top of society are not human.

  7. An inner yearning.

  8. That if God exists, he is most likely evil.

    See the article below which outlines some of the reasons why...

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