
What has been your most bizarre coincidence?

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What has been your most bizarre coincidence?




  1. I'm sorry to say my life is boring.  If it was more exciting, I suppose there would be coincidences every where I looked.

  2. Spooky but true.

    My dad died about 5 years before I met my wife. Like wise her father died some years ago.

    One day I said to her, I wonder if they would have got on if they met.

    The next day someone gave me some old black and white photo's of my dad.

    There was a close up of him taking a break and smoke at work. Chatting with another guy. My wife's father. They met twenty years before us.

    Spooky but true.  

  3. Bumping into someone from my local pub on a small island just off Thailand!  And then bumping into someone I used to sit next to at work on an even smaller island in Fiji!!

  4. I was born precisely on my birthday, down to the very minute. If that's not a coincidence, I don't know what is!

  5. I've dated five women who had birthdays on my Mom's birthday.  Very weird.

  6. Bumping into someone from the same tiny village in Cambridgeshire as me while white-water rafting down the Zambezi in Africa!

  7. about 10 years ago when I was 7 one of our relatives called our home to invite my family to their house. this lady had never talked to me before ( because she had just married with my cousin) and she hardly knew my name. anyway, she called and I answered the phone. on the phone she thought it would be cute if she asks to see if I can guess who she is. I thought she is one of my mothers friends and I said are you Amy? her name was Amy too. but she had nothing to do with my moms friend. she was amazed by my intelligence. later that day my mom came home and asked me if anyone had called. I said Amy called. my mom called her friend and shetold her that she had not called our house that day. then we realized that this was a weird coincidence. and until know my cousines wife still thinks that I am a genius!!

  8. By now I am used receiving a phone call from a person I´ve been thinking of minutes ago. At least once a week.

  9. Going to my doctor one day for a cholestral test, while i'm at the reception the doc asks my name, as I'm about to answer the person next to me is also looking for someone with the same name but is speaking to another doctor and answers my name in whole!!!!!

  10. I once played the card game War and every round was a War. It was very creepy

  11. oh how I wish I could tell you, you wouldn't believe it anyway. but it's a really great question you got an interesting.

  12. Waking up every morning.

  13. When i met my late husband we found that we both had a cat with the same name, born the same year and month! His fish was called jellybean, that's the nickname i gave my daughter. Not that strange but strange enough..

  14. answering this question before

  15. getting run over by a car on my motorbike by the same man who ran my brother over on the same motorbike last year ps we have sold the motorbike.weird or what.

  16. dejavu's.... like the time I dreamed of skate boarding to school, and dreamt I got hit by a blue chevy wagon in the near by parking lot,

    after school about 3 month later...the exzact scinario... except I stopped at the curb just as a blue chevy wagon flew into the parking lot....

    this happens all the time.... it like shocks me...Ive seen this movie before.... really bizzarre feeling....  

  17. I don't know because I have a hard time remembering the most bizarre things that happen in my life.  Maybe it's because I have a hard time believing they actually happened.

  18. Knowing what was round the corner in a city that i had never been  to in my life- in correct detail - and i hadnt even researched it on the internet (1988). It was as i imagined.

    Perfect in every detail that I had thought of..... wierd?

    wish i could dream of the lottery numbers in advance.

  19. I live in the south-eastern corner of the USA. My family went to Hawaii for a business trip. My dad running into a friend that he has not seen in 10 years randomly at a hotel in Hawaii. And two days later, still in Hawaii, I ran into a lady that I use to go to church with (She was just there visiting the state)

  20. 2 farts in a row...


    or twins?

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