
What has been your most difficult decision in life? Hopefully not anything like Sophie's Choice.?

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Career move. Coming to grips with a problem(me) Compromising on issues that seemed to be beyond compromise. Fill in the blank. Or don't. It is kind of personal, but hey, we are all close cyber friends. Right?




  1. No, not like Sophie's choice.  But I did have to make a Kathy Bates Misery choice once.  It was hard, but ultimately breaking the legs of someone I had an unhealthy obsession with was the right decision.

  2. I'm facing it right now; whether my wife and I should move into a retirement home.  I have observed many people leave it too late and now I understand why.

  3. I'm facing mine right now!

    I can either live my life and take the chances I want to take or I can let my parents live my life for me! I think it's time that I did what is best for me and what makes me happier. My mind is not made but it is swaying more to want I want each day!

  4. To not go to my Daughter's funeral.

    It was 10 years ago and I still feel I made the right decision for me. (and for her) - it is too complex to explain even to a good cyber friend like you - please just take it as it is.

  5. I would say choosing between going back to England to live. I love it, miss it, it's my home. Or staying in Canada with my family even though I don't consider it home at all and am constantly home sick. (not that I don't love Canada, but I will always be English and always be homesick) I chose Canada for my family and that window has closed now.I have a Canadian daughter and this her home, her Dad lives here and she is very close to my family. And I married a Canadian. Maybe we'll retire there.Hope Hope.

  6. I've survived spinal meningitis. cancer and Viet Nam. There are no difficult decisions.

  7. Sometimes with difficult decision like the one I am facing I find they're more of needs, than choices. like now my husband and I living separate do to his issues, but I love him so now I must make a decision for me and my children. I know my husband cares, and sometimes I believe he's madly in love with me, but I want more and I am not satisfied.  I feel as though I am compromising my beliefs to stay in the marriage. Although the issues my husband have are valid reason, but I know some things about him and therefore I am not sure if he using them as a excuse. My husband is not a rotten guy, he sort of top shelf- but has some issues like we all have. We have talked about moving together, however this issue keeps popping up! It is effecting me, and my patients and tolerance level with issues, situation, and people that don't trust the process is terrible.  Therefore it could be me! that does not trust the process, because of what I have already seen. I don't like wishy washy people, and my husband has that tendency, because of his issue again, therefore leaning to God and myself is all I want to depend on, until the situation rectifies My acceptance level is not good now! funny you asked this question.

  8. to leave college and follow my real dream dispite my family's discouragement

  9. Divorce

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