
What has been your most recent bad mommy moment?

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My hubby and I were up late last night and needed to be up exceptionally early this morning so that he could pack and leave on a business trip. So, we were up at 6 after about 4 hours of sleep while he packed and rushed out by 730. My 16 month old normally sleeps until 830-9, so after my hubby left I went back to sleep. The next thing I knew it was 1030 and I was waking up. I don't know if my son had woken up and cried or not, but there he was, awake and playing in his crib with a soggy diaper, but not too unhappy. I feel horrible about it though.

What's been your most recent bad mommy moment?




  1. my son is in the potty training stages and after being up all night with my 9 month daughter, i got up with the kids and it took an hour for me to realize my son was still in his diaper from the night, i felt horrible, cried about it even! He wasn't soaked or anything, but I still felt bad like I was telling him its ok to pee in the diaper or something.

  2. My son is just learning to hold his head up for short periods of time and I had him on my chest burping him when he picked his head up. I was trying to get my husband's attention so he could see and when I looked back at my son he turned his head and then dropped it right against my chin. He started crying and I felt so bad that I let him hit his forhead on my chin. But I rocked him and all was okay again!

  3. I like that you said "most recent" because you know there will always be more.  My son fall off the bed a couple nights ago.  Bed is now on the floor and up against the wall.

  4. I've had a horrible tooth ache these past two days.  I've been going home from work and laying down because the pain is causing me to have an upset stomach.  The past two nights I haven't played much with my daughter.  I feel horrible!  My hubs has stepped up to the plate and has been taking care of her and she is fine.  But I feel bad that she isn't getting my full attention like normal.

  5. Thats not horrible but I know how you felt...

    Mine was I didnt make the diaper tight enough when I put it on her, and when I woke up in the middle of the night to her crying the diaper came off, and pee went all over her, her whole back, and all over the sheets. I felt so bad!  

  6. mine is similar to the 1st answer - my daughter is 13 mos old, so we recently got her this carseat - the bigger carseat for toddlers in which you can loosen the seatbelt to strap the baby in then tighten it once the baby is all strapped in - she is still rear facing but anyway, i was running errands the other day with my baby in tow, on the way home-i put her in her car seat and strapped her in - BUT i forgot to tighten her 5 point harness seatbelt- When we got home and when i took her out i was so horrified when i saw how loose the seatbelt was- i feel so guilty up until now but I also said a quick little prayer thanking God that we got home safely.Now, I know better but i feel so bad that i had to learn my lesson in expense of putting the safety of my daughter at risk...

  7. I had a great one this morning.

    My husband and I are leaving after work tonight to make an 8 hour drive. We figure with stops for feedings and diaper changes, it'll be about 10 hours, so we should get to my parents at about 4 a.m.

    Anyway, at 4:15 a.m. this morning Em started giggling and playing in her crib- not a good sign! I brought her to bed with me and tried feeding her, cuddling, rubbing her back, scratching her head, etc. and nothing helped.

    Finally, in desperation (I can't believe I'm admitting this!) I put her in her swing with her blankie and a nuk, put on a Baby Einstein movie, and went back to bed :)  I woke up an hour and a half later and she was sleeping like a little angel!

    Desperate times call for desperate measures!

  8. Just now.  I was feeding the kids lunch and ran to the laundry room to switch loads.  The older two were done eating, so I excused them from the table.  The youngest was still eating though, so I let him finish up.  I was doing dishes and sweeping the floor..... next thing I know, I look up and he's sound asleep in his high chair.  It doesn't exactly make me a "bad mommy", but I did feel bad.  Poor little guy was sleepy and there he is all hunched over (looks very uncomfortable) in his high chair while I'm doing dishes.  lol  I should have been paying more attention.  He's comfortably stretched out in bed now though.  We all do little things like that.  No reason to beat ourselves up about it.

  9. My most recent would be yesterday. I am 17 weeks pregnant and also happen to have some sort of flu or something. Yesterday I just wanted to rest and relax and my 2 year old son decided to have his most mischievous day ever. I was constantly frustrated with him all morning for everything he was doing. I was throwing up in between cleaning up his little messes. Then comes his naptime when he does so well everyday and he decides he doesn't want to today. So we had naptime war for about 2 hours. After he finally fell asleep I was looking at him so peaceful and felt so bad for all the yelling I had done all day.

    My worst ever would be a few months ago when I was trying to get my son to sleep through the night so if he cried I would let him cry for like 10 or 15 minutes to see if he would fall back asleep. This particular time he did so I went and quickly peeked in at him and he looked okay so I went back to bed. A couple hours later he was up again so I went in there and there was vomit all over him and his bed and the floor. Some a couple hours old some new. I felt awful. Not to mention worried about him sleeping in vomit for 2 hours. That was my worst moment ever.

  10. This morning! I turned around to see what my 3 year old was putting in the fish tank and my 7 month old promptly launched off the changing table to the floor.  Oops, baby's first big fall, mark it on the calender.  

    She's fine and happy BTW.

  11. We just moved my son(1yr old) in his own room about a month ago. About 2 weeks ago I forgot to turn on the baby monitor. He usually wakes up a few times during the night. Well that night I slept great but woke up about 8am. My son usually wakes up around 7am. I felt so bad. The only thing my husband said was"he lived thru the night without you and he's fine".  

  12. I took my kids in to get new shoes on Sunday and when their feet were measured I found out they had been wearing shoes a size and a half too small for who knows how long. I am usually very good about regularly having them sized because they grow soo fast but I dropped the ball this time. My Husband was teasing me saying they will never get married now because I deformed their feet! Their feet are just fine, thankfully, but I still feel guilty and properly convicted of my bad mommy status :(

  13. i realized once i was at the store the other day that i hadn't strapped my son into his car seat, only strapped the car seat into the car. luckily the store is only a mile away from home, but it didn't help my immense feeling of guilt over my child being temporarily in danger while we were driving. i felt sick to my stomach the rest of the day.

  14. i was taking a nap on the couch, meanwhile husband had buckled our 7 month old into her swing!

    i awoke looked up and she had unbuckeld herself and was in summersault position! i screamed dove and caught her in mid air!

  15. I was getting ready for the day in the bathroom, brushing my hair and blowdrying it. My son was standing next to me as he always does. He absolutely loves the bathroom. Don't ask me why. Anyway, he loves to copy what I'm doing and he was pretending to brush his hair. He opened the drawer and grabbed what to him looked like a brush but it was his Daddy's hair clippers and ran it through his hair like a brush. I heard the same noise you hear when using them. I looked down and grabbed them but he's missing a stripe of hair in the middle of his head now. His long hairs were sticking out of it. I couldn't believe his dad left them in the drawer he could reach. Atleast the guard had been on and it's not terribly short but if you look close it is a noticeably short patch of hair shorter than the rest! I didn't realize the clippers would even work while they weren't on. (not that I would've let him play with them regardless but...)

  16. Spilled pretty warm coffee on me and baby about 15 minutes ago.

    No burns THANK GOD!

    PS during the last couple of months of my pregnancy hubby used to get up when my toddler woke up, change him (in theory! MEN!), give him breakfast and turn the TV on so he and I could get an hour more sleep.  I was dying from pregnancy and he worked nights.  And my son was generally only half awake that first hour anyway.  Don't worry your son's fine!)

  17. It was yesterday.  My little one (about 6 months) just got her first tooth and I am still trying to nurse her at least once a day.  Well, she decided to bite down on my nipple and pull my hair at the same time.  I yelled and smacked her hand.  I just reacted, I didn't have time to think about it.  

    She cried like her little heart was broken, then wanted hugs.  I felt awful.

  18. when my 4 year old rented himself some p**n.

    he knows how to restart the kids free-on-demand shows, so i let him do it himself.  they don't have commercials and he only watches one or two episodes a day, so i don't worry about it.  i was in the office with the baby and he was in the living room (just around the corner from me) playing with his toys and watching backyardigans.  when my husband walked in from work, he said "honey... what is the boy watching?"

    my son had rented "100% D-Cup 7Pack" and there was some girl-on-girl action on the screen.  we figured out how to set the parental controls pretty quickly after that.  :D

    at least he didn't seem to be watching it.  he was facing the other way playing with his cars when dad walked in.

  19. Oooh, I know that feeling.  My mom took me to the ER yesterday for strep throat.  She offered to take the baby, but my dumba$$ declined, figuring that once my fever came down, I'd be fine.

    WRONG.  I was dead tired when I got home, and felt like warmed over p**p.  I passed out on the couch while Mickey played quietly on the floor beside me.  I was only out for an hour and a half before his dad came home and flipped out a bit.  While I didn't hear him fussing, and he was still in the same spot I set him when  dozed off, I had (and still have) a huge amount of guilt for just setting him down to play by himself like that.

    To worsen matters, his dad has called several times throughout the morning, to make sure I was awake and watching our son.  We don't have cell phones, so he doesn't usually call.  Obviously, he was concerned enough to go out of his way to borrow a phone from someone.  To top it all off, he ratted me out, and my MIL stopped by on her lunch break to "see if I needed anything" (read: to see if I was sleeping on the job).

    So that was yesterday.  You know, it was funny though.  My baby sat and played so quietly and didn't get himself into any jackpots while I slept.  I thought of your question about babies tuning into mom's needs, and wondered if that wasn't going on a little bit yesterday.

  20. I can't believe I am going to admit this.

    Last Sunday I went to the store with Cade. Well I was putting my sling on and the wind blew my door shut. I had locked him in the car. On top of it I had front row parking and was crying my eyes out. I had to walk up to a guy and ask him to call the police because I also locked my spare set in my car. (we had went on a road trip a few days before and I brought the spares in case this did happen, good thing it backfired) I felt horrible, luckily he was sleeping and it was only like a ten minute ordeal.  I have since quit locking my cars doors

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