
What has changed your life??

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What has changed your life for ever, good or bad, and made you what you are?




  1. Practically every new thing in life changed my life. First, when I went to school, then to the college, in between when I knew that the thing called erection was there for me too like for so many others, then when I got a job, then when I got married and then when I got children and so on...

    Every phase changed my life.

  2. The death of my father when I was 17. I sometimes wonder what my life would be like now if he hadn't died, sadly I often come to the conclusion that I am better off now! But that's another story!

    Love you dad.

  3. Okayish Gcse hasnt changed my life cus i dont want to be top in any fantastic job i just wanted to be a beautician/hairdresser and got the grades which i wanted  

  4. getting a dog (well actually 3 now) learn about patience and unconditional love. We're so busy sometimes that we forget to stop and appreciate others. Dogs love you and show you that no matter what while we have a hard to learning just to forgive people over the stupidest things.  

  5. Getting dumped has changed my life.  At least now I know what my weaknesses are and how I can fix them.  Oh, and not being with that douche bag is pretty d**n awesome too lol :).  

  6. The decision to take control of my own life.  I like to read blogs and other things which help my mindset.  There are any number which are helpful.  I know that my outlook is what determines the quality of my life.

  7. My brother.

    My parents ex partners.

    My ex bestfriends.

    Why they all have/had a big influence on my life.

    My brother still does.

    Chloe =]

  8. This might seem as a stupid answer but, Television.  I've learned so much from watching television, things you would never learn in school but are so useful in real life.  By watching television, I learned that I really want to be a Defense Attorney when I finish college.

  9. Being vegan has changed my life.

    For the better

  10. I guess when I decided I didnt believe in god.

  11. uhm.. since my mom died =/

    everything is different

    answer please:;...

  12. Every single step and choice I make turns my life in a new direction. I've had some sharper turns ... Ex. I learnt to value independence (possibly to the extreme) from my first bf; I learnt to demonstrate my love and tell people I love them (especially my son) from not having that with my own mother; I learnt compassion for others from early experiences with challenged individuals ... etc.

    It's all good!!!  ;)

  13. My mother being a drug addict: good and bad.

    My father not wanting anything to do with me: good and bad.

    My grandparents raising me: good.

    My new attitude on life: good.

    As with everything in life, you take the good with the bad. It makes you who you are. I am happy to say that I love the person I have became, even through all the trails and tribulations.  

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