
What has done most to improve rugby in the last 20 years?.......?

by Guest34342  |  earlier

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....professionalism, new rules, participatory refereeing, TV and video coaching, air travel, ....or steroids?




  1. summer rugby and the franchises that come in next (hopefully)

  2. Definitely professionalism- the players are now technically better and much fitter making for a better, faster game.

    I'm not looking forward to the ELVs coming in. however, as they seem to be trying to turn Rugby Union into a League style game.

  3. Professionalism, because it has spread the players from smaller nations into leagues like the hienken cup and has leveled the playing feild a bit. I think the sevens tour has spread intrest alot as well

  4. the introduction of the 40-20 rule

  5. the screen as i like to call it the box in the air

  6. whats improved : professionalism definitely more skills out there now

    what hasnt improved: reffing always the case, players have barely any pride in the game money has taken its place.

  7. professionalism has raised the standards ,the World cup has increased the exposure .

  8. Professionalism wtih out a doubt.  TV and video have certainly added to the enjoyment of the game. The World Cup (a little older than 20 years) has added global interest.  

    However I think that participatory refereeing is a bane on the game.  I still yen for the old ways when the breakdown was ruled by the power of the ruck not some vociferous ref on an ego-trip.

    Not sure that steroids or any drug abuse has made an impact of rugby ... yet!

  9. professionalism....

    more time to concentrate on the game plus the increase in money has lead to the discovery of a more in-depth analysis of the game

  10. Professionalism. Jonah Lomu, RWC. Super 12/14 The fact that evey tema still wants to beat the ABs

  11. Yeah probably professionalism as leagues were set up exposing the game to new people.

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