
What has gone wrong with our country? ' Great' Britain no more.?

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Iraq war entered on a lie, troops not properly paid/housed/equipped, taxes through the roof, falling housing market, spiralling prices, knife crime, soft sentences and early release from prison, open door to all and sundry... it goes on, and on and on.

Some problems are global, but we are now more like a banana republic than a proud nation.




  1. Committed Democracies, the few left, are all taking serious down slides in too many areas, at the same time in history.

       Perhaps our time has come.

  2. Agreed, unfortunately the Government has ruined this country.

  3. New World Order raising their ugly head!

  4. welcome to america.

  5. It is now 'Yes USA'.

  6. I have been there on holidays and I found nothing great about it at all.  It was cold, wet, dirty and the people were miserable.  I found them to be very aggressive and jeez they went on and on about this great empire they had.  A bunch of whinging poms. The empire is gone a long time and nothing to do with the EU, get over it.  

    I bet I get lots of thumbs down for this. The truth pisses people off.  LOL

  7. We need a fresh party, already we have heard from the usual runners and we have seen in the past what they can do when they have been in power.  They say the usual things that we want to hear but they are only doing it to get first place over the other party's making it into a game and forgetting what there their to do.  

    We all know they make broken promises and they change their tune when the want.  The MP's are supposed to voice how we feel and want, work for the people but for some reason they are only wanting what they want and we have to live with it.

    We have only ourselves to blame, we voted them in and when we are angry and feel the way we do about our country and the way it is going we just sit there and let it happen.

    We need to stand up and stop these people who are ruining our country and make them lesson that we are no longer going to stand for it.

    I feel our government have fallen on deaf ears and are too greedy for power and to lead ahead sacrificing their people in the process.  A power trip.

    I feel i am in a country that no longer voices the public concerns but tells the public what to do. Turning in to a dictatorship the whole lot of them.

    Why do people continue to believe them, i will do something about it but on my own all i can do is write to them (scottish and british govorment) and voice my concerns the way the country is headed but i will join in with a rally of people to make our voice loader.

  8. Right on. Completely agree, and I asked a similar question a few months ago. I hate hearing on the news that yet another young person has been killed by mindless people, or that taxes have gone up YET again. And what really peeves me (and yet no one seems to understand) is that we are too leniant with immigrants. Free houses, benefits, you name it, and when I complain about it or give my opinion, I get called all sorts!

    EDIT: Maurice B- couldnt agree with you more!

  9. It's called the Labour party!

  10. We gave our country away when we joined the European union, and whats more we never had a say in it!

  11. The problem to lots of these questions are the labour party. Troops can't be paid because of money being spent on civil servants insted of troop welfare, taxes though the roof because Gordan brown sold our country's gold cheaply. knife crime because police must be buried under paper work. soft senticing and early relise from prison because of lack of prison places because of criminals from over country's taking up prison space..  hope that helped.

  12. It's all down to the British hating Labour Government who have proved themselves, as they have always done, as incompetent to govern.  They should be sent to the dustbin of history.

  13. The Labour party is the reason why Tony Blair and Gordon Brown worked together to kill off anything that has ever been British and its not Great anymore they have let too many immigrants in and worked it so money goes to them and to other politicians so they have to pay for nothing.

    My saying is if your White and Working you have no chance of a good life in this country!

  14. Well the government will take the easy way and follow America.

    Yep were in a sorry state and not going to gt better. I would gladly go on strike for revolusion to kick all government out if everyone did it too...

    I'm talking nonsense again the British won't do that....

  15. Too many hangers on who don't appreciate or care about British history and culture.

  16. Mmm.. Previously; Korea, Malaysia, Activities in Gulf States, poverty with the debts from WW2, Knife Gangs, the Krays, The 3 Day Week, No Electricity, The need for separate cashiers in small shops to keep the money safe, Typhoid, No NHS, No Welfare State, Mass Unemployment, The Depression, The General Strike, 15% Interest Rates, Victorian 'English Opium Eaters'... etc. etc.

    When was Britain actually Great, rather than just more powerful?

  17. Gordon Brown and his fellow Labour political cretins have been at the helm too long!!

  18. gordon brown

  19. Our elected Representatives have for decades, despite promises at election time, have gone against the will of the people on important issues.

    The EU, immigration,capital punishment,the human rights laws,etc,etc.

    Result :- A terrorist hijacker whom Jack Straw promised would be deported after release and not benefit from his crime. Now works for British airways.

    In the meantime Gurkha servicemen and their family's,who have served this country loyally and bravely for generations are put through every BLOODY HOOP as they try for fair pensions and in some cases settlement in the UK.

    Answer to your question. The lying. bottle less,self serving politicians.

    And us silly buggers for putting up with it.

  20. I'm not British but, I think most of the problems are global and I think a lot of countries would share your sentiments on a number of things.  See what happens when you spare the rod and spoil the child. (only joking I never slapped my kids).

    As for the way your troops are not being looked after, that's bad. I thought the British had a loyalty and respect for not just the troops but for the families that give up a lot so the troops can go and do their jobs.

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