
What has gotten into North Korea??

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Yesterday they just blew up a nuclear reactor. Are they really going to stop making plutonium, or are they doing something underground with it




  1. They want some of the American`s industrial might that China has.

  2. Maybe it was accidental and they just made it look like they did it on purpose lol

    You know how clumsy those Noth Koreans can get haha

  3. They probably realized that the cost of the effort, coupled with the sanctions against them made it illogical to continue the effort since the benefit of having the weapons is so miniscule.  They will use the next few years to stabilize their country, and do some better research into the production of them.

  4. Simple:  they're hungry.

    You sound disappointed.  It's one less whack-job nation we have to worry about blowing up the world.

    Next up:  Iran

  5. They will fall in line like South Korea has. Your problems largely go away when you have a strong free economy and a good government to watch over it. And having a strong middle class is key. It's a bit of coveting going on, but that's not a bad thing, now is it.

    Time will tell.

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