
What has happened to Buenos Aires?

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I just came back from a trip and I found the city a disaster! No gas, garbage on the streets, no radar at the airport, beggars on the street. Is this suppose to be the best country in South America???




  1. It's so depressing!! But sadly Argentinian are suffering because politician are worried only about money, their ambition make them avoid social problems. But well, although the situation is really bad, I hope everything can change, it's possible.

    If you think about returning to this country, I reccomend you this hotel located in the hearth of Buenos Aires:


  2. Many years ago (before Menen probably) Argentina was a prosperous country and practically the best one in South America due to its production of many goods, exports, etc. The country started to go down after Menem due to the economic crisis. People lost their jobs, the peso was worth practically nothing and people started to live the consequences. Last time I visited BA was 4 years ago (been twice to Patagonia in the past 3 years but didnt go through BA, went through Santiago Chile) and yes, the garbage was piling on the streets due to strikes and the people were not happy in general. I've heard from many friends who live there that popular places like Recoleta are worn down, many restaurants and pubs have closed and the streets are kind of dirty. Prices have gone up and this winter there is a shortage of gas that is freezing people in their houses.

    What has happened? Bad governments, that's what has happened. I hope Buenos Aires recovers one day its splendour as it was a very lovely, elegant and classy city.

    And yes, the radar is not working properly so it is very dangerous!

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