
What has happened to Disney ?

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While I was growing up they had artistic masterpieces and movies such as the Lion King , Beauty and the Beast , the Little Mermaid , Aladdin , Pinocchio , Tarzan , Pocahontas , Cinderella , The Hunchback of Notre Dame , Mulan , Snow White and others ... now look what they have become ? Nothing but Disney Channel and shows such as Hannah Montana , Jonas Brothers , High School Musical , the Suite Life of Zack and Cody , Kim Possible and others 3 D animations ... what has happened to them ? Are they trying to become more quote in quote modern or something ?




  1. I think it's because people are more interested in reality shows.

    Almost all the shows out today are either reality or cartoons.

  2. I've often wondered the same thing. I used to love and have most of the older cartoon style movies on DVD. I don't care too much for the 3D animations by Pixar. The stories just aren't the same.

    I think the last one that came out that was decent were Toy Story and Monters Inc. At least the stories were good. But now they come out with Meet the Robinsons, and Ratatouille (sp?). Which were pretty bad. And now, instead of coming out with good stories, they are coming out with sequels. They should hire back their old animators and go back to basics!!

  3. Your question makes absolutely no sense at all!  you just compared great movies to tv shows! Those are tv shows and the others are movies. Now if said when you were growing up that had so weird and the famous jett jackson, and  the jersey and evne stevens. Now that have g*y shows like suit lif, hannah montana,and stuff like that. Understand? okay but to answer what i think your question was. I don't know! Plus all of the movies except two you named were already stories and movies before disney turned them into cartoons. But i understand what you mean though. Also you said, "Nothing but Disney Channel and shows..." well it is disney channel, duh! Disney channel only plays shows! they do play movies but that isn't what the channel is for. its been like that for almost 30 years! So if you mean the ones in theaters, their are normal disney movies that come out in theaters, but i think they suck.

  4. like some one here said before its all about money ..yeah disney sucks now..well there is still hope..theyre coming with an ew animated movie called the  frog princess

  5. Sounds like you're about the age of my kids and I see what you mean.  When you were a kid animation was becoming a real art.  Cartoons looked much more realistic and were fun.  But to really answer your question what happened to Disney is purely business, the heads changed and the business became more about money and less about kids and clean entertainment.  Now it's all pop culture and "How much merchandise will this show sell?"

    I still miss the old "Wonderful World of Disney" that used to come on Sunday nights myself.

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