
What has happened to Michelle Obama ?

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There was a team of people that were supposed to do a complete RE-make of her image but yet she still hasn't come out . Did the remake fail ?




  1. I had something really funny to say, but I would get a violation notice, so I will refrain, from being funny!!! ya all know what I mean!!!

  2. The DNC decided to make her shut her trap, just like they told Obama to pretend to quit the trinity church, and Pastor Wright, because they were tearing Barack's campaign apart, and couldn't help but show their racism. No one, I hope wants a racist as their President, but Liberal, and Obama supporters will now listen to Barack's new garbage about not being a racist. Maybe he might even win the election if he were to divorce Michele, and he just might, for the sake of deceiving his followers to reinforce their already trained minds that this Jr. Senator, is really in love with America. Blind! Deaf! Out of choice!

  3. I think Miss Manners has taken her under her wing and it is taken longer than expected to turn her into a politically correct spouse of "the one".

  4. I'm sure there was a meeting behind closed doors with a healthy-STFU-by their handlers.Sort of invisible duct tape across her mouth.she is Obama's own personal torpedo if left alone.

  5. She must be quite a hand-full ---and a massive challenge for even the best handlers money can buy.

  6. They had her 'remake' on the view,,, lol,,, thing is, they announced that it was her remake, oh lol, now they are trying to find a way to remake the remake but I think it must be a lost cause because I haven't seen her since...

  7. Shhhh - it is not wise to wake a sleeping monster.

  8. There wasn't enough makeup in all of Hollywood!!

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